What's up all? I haven't been on here in a long time. I was pretty active on here years ago. FB kind of took over huh? lol Anyway, what's everyone been up to? How has life changed? What is God doing through you these days?
Me? He's still using me to produce and host The Kingdom Minded Show, a CHH radio show on FM radio in Peoria since Dec 2010. I've been doing live on the air shows for about 6 months now, after having pre-recorded them the time frame before. It's been so much fun.
He's also given me a platform here in Peoria on TV for a cable access channel show that I'm interviewing different people, called "Kingdom Minded with 3W." I've done 3 episodes now. The third will air in about 1 1/2 weeks and they stream on FB after they air.
Married life is still good (nearly 19 years now). Son is in 20's now. Church life is good. Serving as a deacon at our church.
Work is good at Samaritan Ministries International, still. Doing mobile DJing whenever I can also. Weddings, basketball games, concerts, etc. I've been able to DJ for some big name artists. Pretty cool! Praise God!
Was just stopping through. God bless and have a great day! - 3W