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    Young Bol Caleb's Avatar
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    Default What's up with Kyrie Irving and Flat Earth?

    Dear saints!

    Have any of ya'll researched flat Earth?

    What have you learned?

    Much love,

  2. #2
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Hello brother Caleb! The Bible does not comment on the shape of Planet Earth. It does not say that the earth is flat, and it does not say that it is spherical. If the earth is flat does this mean NASA has lied to us? Personally I don't think this is the case, however it is plausible. With the way everything is going in the world what's next to be revealed?
    Last edited by The Light Within; 11-07-2017 at 11:44 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    Young Bol Caleb's Avatar
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    I hear you Light. Thanks for sharing your thoughts brother.

    The more I've been digging into it, I believe the Bible does teach a stationary (not spinning or orbiting), plane (not globe) earth Cosmology. It's been edifying digging into the Word with an open mind, and challenging what I was taught about Cosmology my whole life til now.

    Yes, if the Bible teaches something different than what NASA says, that does present a problem. Both can't be true.

    Since I believe truth matters, I must say, the topic has piqued my research interest.

    You know the saying "let God be true, though every one were a liar". Romans 3:4

    I've heard it said it's much easier to get people to believe a lie, than to get people to realize they have been lied to.

    That's why I'm focused on the Bible (and what I can observe of our reality with my God-given senses), because if God is pleased to reveal truth on a matter, that's enough for me. The truth will stand, as it always has, over the long haul!

    Just the fact we are even having this discussion in 2017 is amazing to me. Who would have thought?!?


  4. #4
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb View Post
    I hear you Light. Thanks for sharing your thoughts brother.

    The more I've been digging into it, I believe the Bible does teach a stationary (not spinning or orbiting), plane (not globe) earth Cosmology. It's been edifying digging into the Word with an open mind, and challenging what I was taught about Cosmology my whole life til now.

    Yes, if the Bible teaches something different than what NASA says, that does present a problem. Both can't be true.

    Since I believe truth matters, I must say, the topic has piqued my research interest.

    You know the saying "let God be true, though every one were a liar". Romans 3:4

    I've heard it said it's much easier to get people to believe a lie, than to get people to realize they have been lied to.

    That's why I'm focused on the Bible (and what I can observe of our reality with my God-given senses), because if God is pleased to reveal truth on a matter, that's enough for me. The truth will stand, as it always has, over the long haul!

    Just the fact we are even having this discussion in 2017 is amazing to me. Who would have thought?!?

    Hmm, here's an example of using a certain type of language to describe: Revelation 7:1 says, “I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth.” In writing this, the apostle John was using idiomatic language—the “four corners of the earth” refer to “every distant location.” We use the same idiom today; for example, when we speak of Olympic athletes coming from the four corners of the earth to compete in the games, we mean they are coming from all over the world.

    I just don't believe the Bible teaches that the earth is flat, neither does the Bible explicitly teach that the earth is spherical. Some passages do allow for a spherical earth, such as Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22. In any event, the Bible is far from affirming a naive or unscientific understanding of the earth and the solar system. There is simply no basis for the charge that the Bible teaches a flat earth. Passages that seem to present a flat earth can all be explained when correctly understood. With that being said again, I do not have all the wisdom and knowledge of the universe so maybe I could stand corrected?
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Veterano faylor's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas.

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    Young Bol Caleb's Avatar
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    Hahah! Thanks for dropping in Faylor! How much of that marathon did you watch? Any thoughts on the matter?

    And Light, you mentioned Isaiah 40:22. Love that verse! In Hebrew, the word "circle" also means "disc", not ball or sphere. Surely Isaiah knew the difference, because he used the word "ball" earlier in Isaiah 22:18. Peep it bruh.

    But man, I'm doing my best to stick with personal observation and God-given senses more and more. There is SO MUCH deception going on in the world.

    Speaking of observation, you know, when I took a flight recently, I enjoyed watching the horizon rise to eye level the whole way up to 30,000 + ft. No curve observed! So beautiful!

    I also have noticed the MANY passages in the Bible that says the earth is immovable, and yet it clearly states the sun moves (rising and setting). What's up with that? More Biblical evidence that the heliocentric, spinning Earth model is the creation of man, not God.

    But each person has to do their own research. Truth fears no investigation.


    I respect the amount of research the brother at that site has done.

    Love ya'll!


  9. #7
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    So all the pictures of the Earth from space are false? Going to the moon was staged? The space station isn't really in space?
    Last edited by The Light Within; 11-17-2017 at 01:39 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    Yes Light, that's pretty much what it means. The scope of the deception is becoming more clear and well documented all the time. That said, cognitive dissonance is understandable and expected on a deception of this magnitude. While this revival of cosmological truth is exciting, I have no idea how long it will take for it to gain widespread acceptance like it had for thousands of years pre-Copernicus days. Maybe not until Jesus comes back, I don't know?

    In the meantime, it's definitely not something to fight about with anyone (and I know you aren't!). Just good to be aware and help train up our children in the truth according to God's word about his creation. The reality is, we still know so little about how it all truly works! Much love!
    Last edited by Caleb; 11-20-2017 at 10:27 PM.

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb View Post
    Yes Light, that's pretty much what it means. The scope of the deception is becoming more clear and well documented all the time. That said, cognitive dissonance is understandable and expected on a deception of this magnitude. While this revival of cosmological truth is exciting, I have no idea how long it will take for it to gain widespread acceptance like it had for thousands of years pre-Copernicus days. Maybe not until Jesus comes back, I don't know?

    In the meantime, it's definitely not something to fight about with anyone (and I know you aren't!). Just good to be aware and help train up our children in the truth according to God's word about his creation. The reality is, we still know so little about how it all truly works! Much love!
    For this to gain widespread acceptance it would have to be proven as fact. So far there's no reputable information that teaches me the earth is flat. So if I teach my children this concept and tell them it's 100% truth and it turns out to be false what would it do to them? What would it do to me if I believe that the Word of God teaches the earth is flat and then find out it really isn't. Does that then mean Christianity is false, the word of God is false....you see the dilemma we have here?
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Veterano JoshGordon's Avatar
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    All I know is that the Light is STILL shining!

    Formerly Known as K-Train

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshGordon View Post
    All I know is that the Light is STILL shining!
    My light almost dimmed my man! They almost got me! I knew you had to show up sometime again.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    This man is about to launch himself in his homemade rocket to prove the Earth is flat https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/techn...lat/ar-BBFs6N8

    “It’ll shut the door on this ball earth,” Hughes said in a fundraising interview with a flat-Earth group for Saturday’s flight. Theories discussed during the interview included NASA being controlled by round-Earth Freemasons and Elon Musk making fake rockets from blimps.

    Hughes promised the flat-Earth community that he would expose the conspiracy with his steam-powered rocket, which will launch from a heavily modified mobile home — though he acknowledged that he still had much to learn about rocket science.

    “This whole tech thing,” he said in the June interview. “I’m really behind the eight ball.”
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    One of the responses to this guy was:
    If the earth is flat, you dont need to go up you idiot. Just pick any direction and go straight. Eventually, you’ll come to an edge. Be careful though, the deep state monitors all activity near the rim. If you are spotted, the aliens living inside our hollow earth will be notified and you will definitely have your anus probed.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Veterano faylor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Light Within View Post
    One of the responses to this guy was:

    If the earth is flat, you dont need to go up you idiot. Just pick any direction and go straight. Eventually, you’ll come to an edge. Be careful though, the deep state monitors all activity near the rim. If you are spotted, the aliens living inside our hollow earth will be notified and you will definitely have your anus probed.
    no you cant. the anarctic treaty basically prohibits visiting anarctica without an official guide. every wonder why it's the only (i believe) place on the face of the earth that is not owned by a single country?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb View Post
    Hahah! Thanks for dropping in Faylor! How much of that marathon did you watch? Any thoughts on the matter?

    And Light, you mentioned Isaiah 40:22. Love that verse! In Hebrew, the word "circle" also means "disc", not ball or sphere. Surely Isaiah knew the difference, because he used the word "ball" earlier in Isaiah 22:18. Peep it bruh.

    But man, I'm doing my best to stick with personal observation and God-given senses more and more. There is SO MUCH deception going on in the world.

    Speaking of observation, you know, when I took a flight recently, I enjoyed watching the horizon rise to eye level the whole way up to 30,000 + ft. No curve observed! So beautiful!

    I also have noticed the MANY passages in the Bible that says the earth is immovable, and yet it clearly states the sun moves (rising and setting). What's up with that? More Biblical evidence that the heliocentric, spinning Earth model is the creation of man, not God.

    But each person has to do their own research. Truth fears no investigation.


    I respect the amount of research the brother at that site has done.

    Love ya'll!

    I didn't watch the whole thing. I've watched this one:

    I also encourage people to watch rebuttals, and notice that people don't typically respond to the points of the flat earthers, they just mock them and dismiss them as crazy.

    Here's neil degrasse tyson. not very convincing. he literally says i will not debate

    Last edited by faylor; 11-23-2017 at 05:37 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Light Within View Post
    So all the pictures of the Earth from space are false? Going to the moon was staged? The space station isn't really in space?
    the spherical images are cgi, or fisheye lenses. the fisheye effect is just like what you see in real estate photos where the walls in a room curve.

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faylor View Post
    I also encourage people to watch rebuttals, and notice that people don't typically respond to the points of the flat earthers, they just mock them and dismiss them as crazy.
    Does the Bible Teach That the Earth Is Flat? https://answersingenesis.org/astrono...ch-earth-flat/

    As I have previously discussed, belief that the earth is flat has rapidly grown of late, largely through dissemination via countless Internet sites and the influence of social media. Unfortunately, many Christians have fallen prey to this, misled into believing that the Bible teaches the earth is flat and that, until five centuries ago, the church likewise taught that the earth is flat. In this article, I will examine many of the biblical passages that supposedly teach that the earth is flat, and I will show that in fact they do not. But before doing so, I must respond to two false assumptions mentioned above—that the church historically taught that the earth is flat and that this changed 500 years ago.
    Here I have examined the biblical passages flat-earthers generally use to claim the Bible teaches the earth is flat. There are other passages flat-earthers occasionally use. However, the frequency of use of those passages is far less than the verses I discussed here. Furthermore, those remaining verses generally require the assumption the earth is flat to begin with. Once these more important, frequently cited passages are dismissed as teaching a flat earth, the remaining few verses probably do not matter. Depending upon reaction to this article, I may take up those other passages later. Clearly, the Bible does not teach that the earth is flat. It was Bible skeptics who introduced this false claim in the 19th century. It is a shame that professed Bible-believers recently have embraced this false argument and have gone on to promote the flat earth. When combined with its many scientific and observational problems, the flat-earth theory is disproven.
    Is the Earth Flat?https://answersingenesis.org/astrono...he-earth-flat/

    Many people will probably wonder why it is necessary to write an article defending a round earth. Or, more specifically, an earth that is spherical. You see, the earth could be both round and flat, if it were disk shaped. Recently I had a conversation with some people about a Christian young man they know who frequently argues that the earth is flat. Mind you, this young man does not actually believe that the earth is flat. Rather, he finds the topic interesting and the discussion of it stimulating. Indeed, it can be. In my years at the university, I always asked the same sort of question in my introductory astronomy classes to motivate my students into thinking more deeply. By raising the question, I challenged our cultural mythology that, until the time of Christopher Columbus five centuries ago, nearly everyone thought the earth was flat. Supposedly, with our sophistication and intelligence today, we know better than the ignorant people of the past. Most of my students were surprised to learn that the facts of history are very different. The question of the earth’s true shape had been settled two millennia before Columbus. Rarely could any of my students give a good reason why the earth is spherical. So much for our modern smug superiority over the supposedly ignorant people of the past.
    Very in-depth articles here.
    Last edited by The Light Within; 11-23-2017 at 08:15 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    Thanks for all the conversation, Light and Faylor! Faylor, I've done the same thing over the past couple years too, watching lots of rebuttals (debunking flat earth). When I first stumbled across flat earth, I could hardly believe it. But almost immediately, as I began studying the Bible afresh, I quickly realized how it corroborates a geocentric, stationary plane. For a while I was like "how could I have never seen this before?!?". But it does go to show how powerful the propaganda and lies are, from our infancy.

    But ya, I have watched that Allegedly Dave guy before too (the video you shared)....he does a nice job articulating things in such a matter of fact, but gentle way.

    Light, you mentioned a dilemma if you teach children the earth is flat, only to find out it isn't. I hear where you are coming from and completely understand the concern. That is one reason we home school our children. We want to teach them as much truth as possible, but even more importantly, to teach them to think for themselves and not just accept everything that anyone (even us) teach them as "truth". My oldest son and I (he's 18), have been enjoying researching this for over two years now, and believe me, we've read and listened to MANY rebuttals (along with many conversations with friends and family, most of whom think we are nuts...lol).

    For now, I remain utterly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bible teaches the earth does not move (orbit), and that the sun does. Though I have lots more questions than answers, I have no confidence in Answers in Genesis for answers....lol! Nothing against those brothers, because I believe they are doing their best to contend for truth as well.

    I simply believe they have not taken the time to personally investigate and research the matter to enough depth to arrive at the truth. I am also discouraged by how he lumps flat earthers into one camp and speaks in such a derogatory manner against us. I'm used to it though. It's to be expected, for the most part. People get afraid when confronted with the notion that most of everything that we have been taught about the nature of this earth we live on is based on lies. It's not a pleasant idea to think we are being lied to on purpose, at the highest levels of earthly authority.

    But should we really be surprised?

    The Scriptures teach us that the god of this world blinds people (2 Cor 4:3-4).

    Even so, thanks be to God we are also told that nothing will remain hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to LIGHT! (Luke 8:17-18).

    Exciting times!

    I'm thankful for your guys willingness to talk with me about this stuff!
    Last edited by Caleb; 11-26-2017 at 04:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Caleb View Post
    This video is terrible, wow. I made it through about 5 mins and gave up. The girl just rambles and rambles about nothing.

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    Bauman1535 thank you for taking the time to watch 5 minutes, and even more than that, for taking the time to comment! Hearing this feedback, I'm embarrassed that I posted that particular testimony of the several that brother has accumulated on his channel. Truth be told, I could only make it through a few minutes of that one myself. When I grabbed a link for a testimony, it was more my excitement that there ARE testimonies, rather than the one I selected being helpful to the conversation at hand.

    In fact, I'm editing my post to remove that link. I need to be more cautious (and discerning) with what I recommend.

    Thank you again! Very much appreciated!

    Last edited by Caleb; 11-26-2017 at 05:54 PM.

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