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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Default Update: Let us sincerely pray for Bob Young AKA Precise.

    As many of you know here on this board over the last few years I've been wondering what happened to Bob Young AKA Precise (half of the Corey Red duo). I've been waiting for many years to know where he is and have been seriously concerned. I listen to his solo album all the time and have consistently for a very long time. It's rough, rugged, and raw for Christ. I've asked so many times and brought it up here over and over again and the closest info to what happened was that he was fine and still a believer, but that was quite a few years ago. It's like he just fell off the map. How can such a lyrically talented brother in Christ just fall off and never show their face again?

    I knew there had to be a reason he has stepped away from the scene/genre and I believe he alluded to it in his last album to a small to a subtle extent on certain lines from a few of his songs. He addressed a lot of issues on "HIS STORY MY SHOES," however there has never really been a closure as to what might have happened to him.

    Well, just recently I stumbled across his twitter and have read through it all. It looks like he still ghostwrites for others, but there are more alarming tweets that maybe some of you who have contact with him can address. https://twitter.com/BobYoung378

    Maybe some of you have already reached out? I don't have a twitter, but I'm seriously contemplating making one for the sole purpose of reaching him.

    Now, personally I'll still listen to his music, especially his solo album that has deeply encouraged my walk in Christ. This man sure went hard against false religion and false teaching in general and overall I would place his album in my top 5 list. However, at the end of the day his soul is much more important to me than his music so I will be on my knees for him day and night prayerfully asking God to shine in his life.

    Please family in Christ, let us pray for this dear brother.

    Last edited by The Light Within; 11-29-2014 at 03:45 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Bob Young says: Everyone's rapping yet nothing really wows me. If hip hop elevates why the younger cant out rap the older?

    Maybe just maybe he should get back on the Mic then. Talent that's wasted is so disappointing.
    Last edited by The Light Within; 12-01-2014 at 02:38 AM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

  4. #3
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    Sounds like he never heard Jurny Big or guys of similar caliber. . . ?

  5. #4
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mstrom View Post
    Sounds like he never heard Jurny Big or guys of similar caliber. . . ?

    Same caliber as Precise?
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

  6. #5
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Which tracks did you produce UNSEEN?
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Light Within View Post

    Same caliber as Precise?
    No. I was saying it sounds like Bob Young hasn't heard of guys like Jurny or of similar caliber.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by mstrom View Post
    No. I was saying it sounds like Bob Young hasn't heard of guys like Jurny or of similar caliber.
    Hi mstrom. I'm wondering if you might have possibly have misinterpreted Precise's text? If anything (at least the way I read it), you two are actually in agreement about feeling that most new (younger) cats are not able to out-rap more seasoned (older) emcees like Jurny (if he's heard of him - or other's of his caliber).

    TLW, I also loved Precise's sole effort. Thanks for sharing your discovery. It's cool to read that Precise is working as a nurse (that's quite a change from the past he & Corey Red used to rap about). I trust that God is still continuing the good work he's begun in & through Bob Young. Praying.
    Last edited by Alarma; 12-01-2014 at 11:50 PM.

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    Havent seen his twitter why are we praying for him so hard?

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plainoleme View Post
    Havent seen his twitter why are we praying for him so hard?

    At the moment I can't see all of his updates, but there is questionable content on there along with some new age nonsense. His latest update includes a John Lennon song along with a comment that says he appreciates the concern. I'm not sure how to interpret the song at this very moment. I understand his frustrations with hypocritical Christians, however I'm praying he himself hasn't given up...
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

  11. #10
    HCR Ole' Head Deadmanwalking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mstrom View Post
    Sounds like he never heard Jurny Big or guys of similar caliber. . . ?
    He's saying the younger cats can't outrap the older cats. Jurny is an older cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Light Within View Post

    At the moment I can't see all of his updates, but there is questionable content on there along with some new age nonsense. His latest update includes a John Lennon song along with a comment that says he appreciates the concern. I'm not sure how to interpret the song at this very moment. I understand his frustrations with hypocritical Christians, however I'm praying he himself hasn't given up...
    How about you point out what it is that is concerning you? I really don't have time to be scrolling through someone's twitter to nitpick things.
    Pick up that new Cram Session (7) featuring Sev Statik, Theory Hazit, Wonder Brown, Nomis, Antioch Alumni, myself and some new blood that you haven't heard yet. http://antiochalumni.bandcamp.com/releases

    I'm a secular rapper who raps Christian.

  12. #11
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadmanwalking View Post
    How about you point out what it is that is concerning you? I really don't have time to be scrolling through someone's twitter to nitpick things.
    Well first of all the cursing and use of vulgar language is concerning. Regardless of that here are a few quotes from him:

    sometimes I'm too nice and people forget they could get choked out #dontgetittwisted #smackabi**h #TryMe
    when the #henny is in my system ain't no tellin
    #can'tdoitallover I tried
    bob young retweeted from Russell Simmons: A fresh opportunity to move away from our desires is a way to get closer to our higher selves.
    love God but just cant stand religion
    John Lennon - Watching The Wheels: http://youtu.be/qp9dc9im3-M I appreciate all the concern just listen #coreyredprecise #bobyoung #precise
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    Prayer is our primary means of seeing God work in others' lives so I've still been praying for this man.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

  15. #13
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    I had a friendly relationship with Bob Young, he along with Corey Red did shows at my old church and I was their point of contact, host as they arrived and so forth...we maintained contact for many years and I would always see them around. Fast forward to near present, our relationship has deminished and recently I attempted to contact Bob Young, his response was very alarming, he also claimed not to be the person I was referring to. This took me by surprise, I always knew that my brother struggled with certain things, but to deny knowing or evening being who he was...wow. Praying, as I remember good times and bad, I even remember taking him home to Staten Island.
    Last edited by PaeBack; 09-25-2015 at 12:38 PM.

  16. #14
    HCR Veterano JoshGordon's Avatar
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    I actually got a glimpse of him over at the Bar battle several months ago when I lived in NYC.

    Formerly Known as K-Train

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    Quote Originally Posted by PaeBack View Post
    I had a friendly relationship with Bob Young, he along with Corey Red did shows at my old church and I was their point of contact, host as they arrived and so forth...we maintained contact for many years and I would always see them around. Fast forward to near present, our relationship has deminished and recently I attempted to contact Bob Young, his response was very alarming, he also claimed not to be the person I was referring to. This took me by surprise, I always knew that my brother struggled with certain things, but to deny knowing or evening being who he was...wow. Praying, as I remember good times and bad, I even remember taking him home to Staten Island.
    He claims to be a freethinker, but so do many these days. The tide is turning...we really do live in a Post-Christian era. We are being attacked and bombarded from all sides.

    Man, this is very discontenting.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshGordon View Post
    I actually got a glimpse of him over at the Bar battle several months ago when I lived in NYC.

    In what way? Was he participating or just hanging out?
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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    HCR Veterano JoshGordon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Light Within View Post

    In what way? Was he participating or just hanging out?
    Corey Red just got done off stage, the announcer called him up, he dipped on and dipped right back off.

    Formerly Known as K-Train

  20. #18
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    What does this tweet from Precise mean?

    10 Dec 2014
    bob young ‏@BobYoung378
    Some people try to connect I truly miss, just need some time but some others, yo forget I exist and you know why #coreyredprecise #friends
    Is he telling others to forget he exists? Man, what happened to him? Seriously? Something huge must have gone down. No statement, no announcements, no anything. He just vanished off the scene without a trace. It still bothers me.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

  21. #19
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    It bothers you and you didn't even know him, I knew Bobby we were cool, he chilled with us various times, I drove him home a couple times, we have had Biblical discussions and in depth conversations.

    I hit him em up on twitter, his first response to me was "you have the wrong person" I continued to insist and tried ro remind him of times, he acknowledged through another post that it was him, but it was indirect...anyways what would push him to this point? It puzzles me, sometimes I think it was the music culture itself, I remember having conversations with him about how the Christian market doesn't differ from the secular market, and that was an issue for him. I'm speculating, I really don't know...but I miss him.

  22. #20
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaeBack View Post
    It bothers you and you didn't even know him, I knew Bobby we were cool, he chilled with us various times, I drove him home a couple times, we have had Biblical discussions and in depth conversations.

    I hit him em up on twitter, his first response to me was "you have the wrong person" I continued to insist and tried ro remind him of times, he acknowledged through another post that it was him, but it was indirect...anyways what would push him to this point? It puzzles me, sometimes I think it was the music culture itself, I remember having conversations with him about how the Christian market doesn't differ from the secular market, and that was an issue for him. I'm speculating, I really don't know...but I miss him.
    That's a shame, a real shame. You say the music culture and how maybe he thought in his mind the Christian market doesn't differ from the secular, however it's like he totally just vanished without a word man. Without a word, or statement, or anything! He also praises Niki Minaj on her mix-tape on his twitter so that makes this more confusing. How can you go from making an album full of going hard against false teachers and sin going on in the world and then praise her for her work?

    Something happened PaeBack. Was it moral failure that caused him to reject Jesus? Was it a severe family drama situation that caused his separation from the church? Was he playing a game this whole time? Look at the song he posted on his twitter from John Lennon.

    People say I'm crazy doing what I'm doing,
    Well they give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin,
    When I say that I'm o.k. they look at me kind of strange,
    Surely your not happy now you no longer play the game,

    People say I'm lazy dreaming my life away,
    Well they give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me,
    When I tell that I'm doing Fine watching shadows on the wall,
    Don't you miss the big time boy you're no longer on the ball?

    I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round,
    I really love to watch them roll,
    No longer riding on the merry-go-round,
    I just had to let it go,

    People asking questions lost in confusion,
    Well I tell them there's no problem,
    Only solutions,
    Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind,
    I tell them there's no hurry...
    I'm just sitting here doing time,

    I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round,
    I really love to watch them roll,
    No longer riding on the merry-go-round,
    I just had to let it go.
    Look, I understand he has a personal life, however he went public with his music and went hard for Jesus Christ, which is why this has been made public in the first place. This isn't making sense and it's bothering me because it's like we had a solid brother in Christ who simply just vanished. POOF...GONE!

    It's taking a long time to fully know 100% what happened. I'm going to find out man, one way or another. This is nuts. How can there be no info?

    but some others, yo forget I exist and you know why
    Last edited by The Light Within; 02-06-2016 at 02:03 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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