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  1. #1
    HCR Ole' Head The Light Within's Avatar
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    Default Update: Let us sincerely pray for Bob Young AKA Precise.

    As many of you know here on this board over the last few years I've been wondering what happened to Bob Young AKA Precise (half of the Corey Red duo). I've been waiting for many years to know where he is and have been seriously concerned. I listen to his solo album all the time and have consistently for a very long time. It's rough, rugged, and raw for Christ. I've asked so many times and brought it up here over and over again and the closest info to what happened was that he was fine and still a believer, but that was quite a few years ago. It's like he just fell off the map. How can such a lyrically talented brother in Christ just fall off and never show their face again?

    I knew there had to be a reason he has stepped away from the scene/genre and I believe he alluded to it in his last album to a small to a subtle extent on certain lines from a few of his songs. He addressed a lot of issues on "HIS STORY MY SHOES," however there has never really been a closure as to what might have happened to him.

    Well, just recently I stumbled across his twitter and have read through it all. It looks like he still ghostwrites for others, but there are more alarming tweets that maybe some of you who have contact with him can address. https://twitter.com/BobYoung378

    Maybe some of you have already reached out? I don't have a twitter, but I'm seriously contemplating making one for the sole purpose of reaching him.

    Now, personally I'll still listen to his music, especially his solo album that has deeply encouraged my walk in Christ. This man sure went hard against false religion and false teaching in general and overall I would place his album in my top 5 list. However, at the end of the day his soul is much more important to me than his music so I will be on my knees for him day and night prayerfully asking God to shine in his life.

    Please family in Christ, let us pray for this dear brother.

    Last edited by The Light Within; 11-29-2014 at 03:45 PM.
    The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin

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