Quote Originally Posted by undadog4eva View Post
Braille...well...where to begin...lets forget that album ever happened

No, let's not forget that album ever happened. Sure, there are a few tracks worth skipping, but the tracks I mentioned above are worth listening to. Above and beyond the musical aspect of the album there were some much needed songs that I (and others) have really appreciated. The emotion expressed on a few of those tracks are immensely deep.

This may seem hard for many to understand, but his passion displayed in most of his songs would be akin to my outward passion for the lost, be it at my workplace, on the street, or wherever. I can't rap, so instead leave that up to the pros.

Now, I don't listen to secular music anymore, however many of the songs that are played around my workplace and wherever sound downright horrible. Maybe that's just the mainstream market, but whatever it is there's no point in even trying to listen it's that bad.

There is a lot of times when others are listening to mainstream secular garbage when I'll throw on a J'son track and many of them are amazed at what they hear. Unfortunately, they just go on their way listening to what pleases their flesh no matter how bad it sounds and how bad it is for them. A few have responded though and in fact have been saved and that's what matters most.

Anyhow, you are entitled to your opinion and constructive criticism can be a blessing. We all would do well to examine ourselves and take what others might say for examination as well. Let's just be careful not to rate a whole album horribly just because it may not be the sound we are looking for...you know