Originally Posted by
The Light Within
Agreed. I'll tell you though, it's tough sometimes. You see, I deal with hundreds of people almost everyday (except Sundays) in a business setting at an extremely high traffic area. I've been doing so for the last 12 years as I own my own kiosk as well as work elsewhere as a Sales Manager at one of the worlds largest malls. I've got to be dressed extremely professional almost every day and have a proper attitude. Even after 12 years of doing this type of business I still go out of my way to help people, answer their questions, point them in the right direction, even though I get asked 200 times a day. It gets very frustrating at times because people are becoming more and more rude, disrespectful and outright arrogant. Sure, we Canadians are known for being polite, but that title is starting to show it's true colors.
Above helping people in a general sense, I'm waking up at 7:00am every morning to drive my wife to work, my step son (11) to school, my son (4) to day home and then head off to work myself. In the afternoon I leave work to pick up everyone again, drive them wherever they need to be (Taekwondo, grocery shopping, etc), drive them home and sometimes go back to work. Lately I've been taking off every evening to spend time with my wife and kids and helping out around the home. We usually have dinner together at the table discussing the Word of God and many important issues. Sunday, we all head to church and then try to relax at home together listening to various preachers and discussing life in general. I'm very involved in my families life in almost every aspect so that none of us are lacking in anything. It's definitely not easy, but worth all the effort involved.
Now, with all that being said, I still try to make time for helping others, whether it be buying food for homeless people, lending money wherever possible to people who may need it, baking food (wife) for the people at church, helping out in the church kitchen, shoveling the snow off peoples driveways in the winter, and witness to people at work and people in general. There are many more random things our family does to help others, however that is just a brief list.
None of this would even be possible if it weren't for God bringing me to the place where I can even help others. Thankfully he gave me the drive to excel in life even without finishing grade 10. You see, I was poor growing up as my mother was on welfare, in fact there were some days we didn't even have food to eat, but the Lord came through (even providing us with random bags of groceries when we opened our door in the morning)! Growing up I never learned much how to take care of others as my dad left before I was born (to go and live with another man who left his three children to live his gay lifestyle) and I was put in many foster/group homes because of his life altering decision later on. However thankfully, God knew what it would take to for me to handle life in general independently, and give me a compassionate heart for those who may be hurting around me, as well as giving me the ability to do what my dad never did for me (and that's provide for my wife and kids). Maybe that's why I resonate so much with rappers testimonies how they grew up rough and how the Lord transformed them completely? That's why I say give me the passionate, rough, raw, rugged lyrics for Christ that actually can truly help a person. Sometimes I even wonder how I got to where I'm at in life, as many of the people that grew up the way I did ended up on the streets, in jail, or even dead. No one has to be a product of their environment and in Christ anyone can become a new creation. It's a miracle!
Anyhow, you may be wondering how I even have time to come here and have a chat, right? Especially with all those bills to pay (house, vehicle, Taekwondo, Christian schooling, dayhome, etc) and mouths to feed. Well, thankfully at work, when it's slow I'm able to come on here and unwind a bit. It's nice to have Christian community where we can discuss topics we may not be able to discuss elsewhere with other people. I realize that each and every one of you are more than profile pictures and usernames, and that you all have a life apart from this forum. While it can be tough interacting with certain people on the board, at the end of the day, I still have it in my heart to treat you all with respect as much as possible. Sure, I may get heated at times, but I can easily shake it off and usually forget the heated discussion with the person that had a problem with me or vice-verse, haha.
I may have given you all a bit more detail into my life, but I'm an open book for all, and usually love to bring it all to the table in love. After all, none of us are robots and each and every one of you are special in Gods eyes. We are all unique, but in Christ we are one.