Been thinking hard on this, and in gonna try and share my thoughts, though I'm probably gonna convey this in a messy way. Here goes...
White People; quit sleeping and wake up.
Been following this whole Ferguson thing from the UK, as it's been brought to my attention as I follow a lot of CHH artists on Twitter, and something that's been on my heart. I've been following the news and activists closely, and one thing that has stood out glaringly to me is; white people and their privilege.
Where are you? Sure there's some of us about, but the majority are quiet.
Saying white privilege exists, or accusing someone of it does not mean that person is being racist themselves. They are just pointing out the obvious, and the privilege that comes with being white.
Just because your blinded by white privilege, does not make one a racist. So don't get defensive over it. Equally black people, this does not make people blinded by privilege, racist.
Speaking as a white person, and one who too was blinded by white privilege, I know how it feels.
I've never been a racist. I've never seen in colour. Even my dad, brother and grandmother aren't white!
Race is not an issue to me.
And there lies the problem.
It's not an issue. I've never, or rarely encountered racism. I haven't been racially profiled.
I don't know how it feels, for it to be an issue.
Black people encounter racism daily/often. White people don't.
But to my white brothers and sisters, we need to open our eyes to the suffering of our black brothers and sisters.
We all know racism is wrong. We get that. But what about the racism that isn't as visible to the naked eye? Do we notice that? We need to.
Why about when it comes to the people we trust?
And that's another point. Trust. I've always trusted the police (and still do), but it's slightly different in the UK than in the US. But as an outsider looking in;
The police are their to protect us, and they do. So we trust them. We don't get followed by them, we don't get arrested without much cause, and we don't get killed.
So that trust isn't broken. But black people's trust is broken, because they experience the opposite.
I mean white people in the USA- you have that Open Carry movement.
Imagine if black people started doing that in Florida.
I bet half of them would get shot at by a cop, and the other half shot at by a hundred Zimmermans.
So where am I going with all this?
White people: your not racist. But you are blind. Open up those eyes and see.
Black people: Continue your patient education of white people, and patiently explain their white privilege to them. Remember most of these folks aren't racist/ they just can't see the racism.
And White People; get out there on the battlefield and protest too. This your battle too. It's your friends, your neighbours and your fellow humans who's rights are being tramped on.
Get our and show your support, show that you won't tolerate it.
Written by a white guy, formerly blinded by White Privilege.