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I'll give u a glimpse into how I feel. I'm not working right now (see how much you are blessed). I'm about to finish school. I don't have a girlfriend. Anyway, before my love for Christ grew, I didn't know where I was going. Now since I've studied the Word and found that it is true, I feel like I have a higher purpose. I worked at a homeless shelter and found out that there are people in life that REALLY need our help. I feel like you don't feel appreciated plainoleme. To me, even one person's smile at the shelter was enough for me to continue service. People would come up to me and give me their testimony out of nowhere. It made me love God that much more.
Do you pray before you start reading the bible? Some people can read the bible all the way through and not get anything out of it. "Hearing they hear not, seeing they see not." IF this were the case for you then prayer could help remove the veil from your eyes. I don't want to make assumptions though. You see, I think people would agree with me in saying that when you have a strong relationship with the Lord, His love will grow inside of you. That relationship can only come through prayer, studying the Word, and fellowship.
For some reason, I feel like your job is the biggest factor in the way you feel. Have you shared this testimony with other Christians in your church? I'm 100% sure someone else has been through what you are going through. "There is nothing new under the sun."
Ask yourself, are you doing everything you do because you want to live up to man's standards (getting a master's degree) or are you doing it to please God? I think people would agree with me, that the latter is more fulfilling.
Sometimes you have to give up your feeling of control and give it to God. That's how trust grows.