Birther does not equal racist, but at this point I think it's safe to say that birther does equal crazy.
The_Expositor (04-28-2011)
birthers live in a racially polarized context. as ignorant as they and others may be about the history of the nation in which they live, they're not uninfluenced. they don't live in a vaccuum. if someone said "where are your papers, boy?" in 1811, and their biological or cultural descendant said the same in 2011, there's a connection. the orangutan pics, outright racist talk, questions about his educational credentials, and all manner of UNPRECEDENTED response to an american president exist in a socio-historical context. only the blind could deny this.
but of course people will continue to deny it.
and those who were born with the wrong skin will always look like whiners when they express the obvious.
you can't win.
Last edited by eve; 04-28-2011 at 05:36 PM.
savedbygracealone (04-28-2011), Shock~Therapy (04-28-2011)
New Video:Proceed With Caution Blog
Gemstones Review" "2 piece like Chris Childs did to Kobe / Catch me in the corner store, quarters for Shinobi"Action Bronson
I'm really curious as to your opinion in Ras' thread on 'tyrant pastors'. Both his initial post AND my post on the subject.
On topic:
Some people will never be 'convinced' of solid biblical truth on a particular topic because they aren't open to being convinced. This is part o' the reason we have folks who solid exegetes in scripture on a host of issues (and I'm not talking message board folks, but people with actual advanced degrees from REAL accredited universities), but when they get to theology they don't like, they abandon that model of exegesis for something based on how they feel about the topic.
Too many people are caught up with serving in a position when they need to sit back and do some more learning first. The scene in Karate Kid where Jayden Smith comes up to Jackie Chan and starts on and on about what he can do and how much of a 'good base' he has for being taught, but then gets arrogant when he doesn't get what he wants (and instead he's told to take off his jacket, drop it, put it on, hang it up repeatedly) ONLY to find out that during this time of not doing what HE wanted to do, he was actually LEARNING is a great example of this.
Everyone (everyone means me too) could use a lot more humility.
GloMoGo (04-28-2011)
New Video:Proceed With Caution Blog
Gemstones Review" "2 piece like Chris Childs did to Kobe / Catch me in the corner store, quarters for Shinobi"Action Bronson
"I have a great relationship with the Blacks" - Donald Trump
"Donald trump may not be a racist,but he may be the racist persons greatest hope" - Lawrence O'Donnell
For The Record....That is NOT me in the Avatar....
You gotta Shoot me! I'm NOT Buck Dancing! - Pastor Manning
This whole idea of questioning Obama's citizenship is White led.
For The Record....That is NOT me in the Avatar....
You gotta Shoot me! I'm NOT Buck Dancing! - Pastor Manning
The album I'm listening to is the best one released from this label...
so... i read something extremely, very very interesting this evening. I observed some of the rules today and I've read the mod don't read everything unfortunately so be good.![]()
Last edited by Tarii_2sweet; 05-19-2011 at 01:21 AM.
Most people who have objections to Calvinism cannot define it correctly and are too intellectually lazy to take the time to do so.
The rest just don't like it and look for excuses to bash it.
To say "We don't know what happened to Osama Bin Laden? He may have confessed Christ before he died. Sounds silly to me. I believe the Gospel was the further thing from his mind before he died.
Lil Wayne actually had some decent wordplay on 6'7.
New Video:Proceed With Caution Blog
Gemstones Review" "2 piece like Chris Childs did to Kobe / Catch me in the corner store, quarters for Shinobi"Action Bronson
BlackCalvinist (05-18-2011)
Ras (05-18-2011)
The "American Dream" turns out to be the "American Nightmare" for African slaves and native peoples in North America.
Last edited by LUPE; 05-20-2011 at 04:24 AM.
Who is Jesus? GOD! Who are you? Son of GOD! Daughter of GOD! Who is Jesus? GOD! Who are you? Son of God! Daughter of GOD!
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