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  1. #641
    HCR Ole' Head Ras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eve View Post
    CCM sounds like country music, has no edge, and is as limp as a wet noodle. I don't understand why so many people like it.
    ha ha. Dang, Eve. I assumed (wrongly) you liked what I called guitar music.
    New Video:Proceed With Caution Blog
    Gemstones Review" "2 piece like Chris Childs did to Kobe / Catch me in the corner store, quarters for Shinobi"Action Bronson

  2. #642
    HCR Ole' Head eve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeyjey34 View Post
    Who do you consider to be CCM? I know plenty of artists who would be considered CCM who are great to me, Michael W. Smith, Chris Tomlin, Kari Jobe, Hillsong, etc...
    yup, those are CCM. i like chris tomlin and a couple others (todd agnew) but that's about it.

    i just need some edge. CCM bores me to death. i prefer alternative (rebecca st. james, leeland) better. or even acoustic such as ETA.

    unpopular opinion!

  3. #643
    HCR Familia Rina_cz's Avatar
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    Eva, I agree with you sis wholeheartedly.

    I also feel the same way about most gospel music.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to Rina_cz For This Useful Post:

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  5. #644
    HCR Ole' Head jeyjey34's Avatar
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    I don't get why people like coffee. I don't like the taste at all. I'll take hot chocolate over it any day.
    "Oh God, you are my God and I will ever praise you."

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to jeyjey34 For This Useful Post:

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  7. #645
    Young Bol
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeyjey34 View Post
    I don't get why people like coffee. I don't like the taste at all. I'll take hot chocolate over it any day.
    Just put a whole bunch of sugar in it and it'll taste like kool-aid...

    btw...how long until I go from a "Young Bol" to whatever is next...

  8. #646
    HCR Ole' Head eve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Z28Kid View Post

    btw...how long until I go from a "Young Bol" to whatever is next...
    you only have 9 posts! patience, fam. j/k

  9. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to eve For This Useful Post:

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  10. #647
    HCR Ole' Head Ras's Avatar
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    If you friends with Christian rappers in the industry please think before you post on this board. You might be too focused on defending your boy instead of hearing a valid opinion or the truth.
    New Video:Proceed With Caution Blog
    Gemstones Review" "2 piece like Chris Childs did to Kobe / Catch me in the corner store, quarters for Shinobi"Action Bronson

  11. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Ras For This Useful Post:

    BlackCalvinist (02-05-2011), d.hyde (02-13-2011), Epigone (02-05-2011), Z28Kid (02-05-2011), Zema (02-13-2011)

  12. #648
    HCR Ole' Head BlackCalvinist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emayus View Post
    I don't know if that was BC's sense of humor or not, but it was a sly little shot directed @ WOG, so I can see why WOG caught feelings.

    Understand something:

    I'm a grown man with a wife and a life. If I need to mention someone's name directly, I will. You (and others who've been here for a while) know full well I don't need to do 'sly shots' at folks - if I want to mention your name directly, I do. That statement was directed at the concept, not the person.

    Understand something else - I go weeks at a time without visiting HCR, so my life does not revolve around things that you, him, or anyone else on this board says or thinks. To be honest, I really don't care too much. The bulk of opinions on me from some people on here who disagree with me aren't really important because none of you pay my bills, employ me, would set foot in my church or have anything to do with me other than logging on to post because:

    Now, when we have some good conversations, great. Otherwise, meh. Take it or leave it. I've been that way since I stepped down from being head admin and my opinion hasn't changed. Sadly, it's real easy to get caught up in that line of thinking (i've been guilty of it numerous times in dealing with Cruz and eternal in the past). Thankfully, I've had some good brethren around to reign me in and remind me of my priorities and where they should be as well as how I need to change some things in how I respond to folk on here.

    I've gotten better. Am I perfect ? Nah. I still have harsh moments - just a bit fewer and farther in-between. And I've learned to walk away at times.

    That said, I gave some thought to this issue on the way to FFF yesterday and reflected on a number of things (recent sermons from my pastor, confluence of events in life) and recognized some of the recent 'shots' folks have been taking for what they are: Satan using immature believers to push my buttons. Stupid on my part because after 5 years of dealing with folk on here, I should've noticed it a long while back. But I digress for now.....

    So in regard to him catching feelings, I'm sorry he's offended by that statement as well as him feeling offended that I disagreed with him on 'your opinion is not superior'. Obviously, he thinks his opinion is superior....let him be convinced in his own mind. If he really believed that no one's opinion was superior, he wouldn't catch feelings because he'd treat other people's words as equal to his own instead of being offended by them.

    Think about it for a second. A person who TRULY believes that no one's opinion is superior has no basis for 'catching feelings' when they are told they are wrong.

    So for offending you, I apologize. I'm sorry you were offended that I disagreed with you. But I do stand by my statements. If you can provide a legitimate reason why I should believe otherwise, lay it out and I'll consider it. Otherwise, learn to live with the fact that people are going to disagree with you and it's not your place to (especially with less than a full month on the board and only 160-70 posts) think you know what's in their heart. You're out of line and in straight violation of scripture at that point.

    Now as far as offenses....he took direct shots at me in this thread.

    I pondered that, the other mini-shot that noyze took in the other thread and a sermon from my pastor recently on Matthew 5 (we're moving through the beatitudes). specifically on anger. My wife and I saw this dude outside of Arby's who was really REALLY reaally REEAAAAALLLLY angry last night. I mean, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking the snow/ice on the ground and beating up a sign (seriously).

    Looks like his issue was auto-related (I think he actually kicked in the hood of another car in a parking lot - it was a VW bug). Don't know because he didn't look too 'safe' to approach and I was busy getting gas so I could get on the road to FFF. But wow....what was HE angry about ? I don't know. Maybe he was a chronically neglectful father on his last chance to spend time with his kids and show them he loved them and his car broke down in transit. Maybe his finances are jacked up and this would now put him in a situation between 'work' or 'rent'. Don't know.

    The school board's messing with teacher pay again and threatening to cut 1162 of 8600 positions (and of course, they want to threaten the arts as usual....). We haven't gotten a cost of living increase in three years. Aside from some other ridiculous things they've done (including threatening to cut masters' level pay, which directly affects me since I'm almost done with mine). So this weekend, maybe later today, I'll be digging up some data (I dislike the words 'data driven instruction') and possibly calling in to speak at the school board meeting on the 8th or the 10th.....along with getting a few of my good students together to head to the board and speak....along with two major performances with my students this week (three for the month), preparation for band festival in march, reduced class time because we're fighting to make AYP this year so they're using two days out of the week for modified schedules.....and that's all before I come home and look to the needs of my wife (who has the same job, and hence, the same concerns and issues as me).

    Maybe I should be kicking a sign. In perspective, though, some dude on HCR is really a small issue. Prior to the break, I had to raise my voice at an unruly parent who thought she had the right to come up to the school and fuss at me because I told her daughter to get out of the hallway and get into class. THAT day, I got angry.

    In retrospect, I was wrong. I didn't have to yell back at her (she sure wasn't expecting it and took off driving real quick, although one of the VPs talked to her as well). I could've made the same point without raising my voice and letter her push my buttons. Satan uses the unsaved like this on a regular basis, so it should be no big surprise to me. I shouldn't have lost my cool there. I was angry.

    Hmmm. Dude kicking a sign, WoG posting insults, me yelling at a parent.

    What grounds do ANY OF US have to be THAT upset ? What do any of us get that we don't deserve ? Oh yeah - grace, mercy, breath, food, shelter, income....

    The parent, I don't know. Really I don't know WoG either.

    Ephesians 4:29 was mentioned earlier. The context of that passage reads:

    26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27and give no opportunity to the devil. 28Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    There are times to be legitimately angry, but when that anger takes us into sin, it becomes unrighteous anger. Actions that follow from unrighteous anger give the enemy an opportunity to use us against each other - we eliminate that by following the path of Ephesians 4:31-32. Instead of 'last-wording' this post in defense of myself, I realize that God was insulted (and continues to be insulted) much worse than I. And while I may or may not deserve any of the insults I've gotten, He does NOT deserve any He's gotten - especially from me during the course of my life. He's forgiven me and I'm commanded to forgive others in the body of Christ as well.

    WoG, I forgive you for your insults in this thread. I don't hold any of it against you and pray you have a blessed week and a blessed Lord's day. True love forgives, keeps forgiving and does its' best to maintain the bond of the unity of peace - not stir up further confusion, problems, gripes and issues between brethren.

    If you have further problems or issues with me, e-mail me at kerry at [[[[[[[[[[[lifedoctrinemusic.com]]]]]]]]] (sorry for the brackets and all - google's spiders and other spambots scan threads for e-mail addresses) and I'll send you my phone number so we can talk it out like brethren.

    Grace and Peace.
    Last edited by BlackCalvinist; 02-05-2011 at 05:25 PM.
    (just not on HCR as much)

  13. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to BlackCalvinist For This Useful Post:

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  14. #649
    HCR Veterano Emayus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Understand something:

    I'm a grown man with a wife and a life. If I need to mention someone's name directly, I will. You (and others who've been here for a while) know full well I don't need to do 'sly shots' at folks - if I want to mention your name directly, I do. That statement was directed at the concept, not the person.

    Understand something else - I go weeks at a time without visiting HCR, so my life does not revolve around things that you, him, or anyone else on this board says or thinks. To be honest, I really don't care too much. The bulk of opinions on me from some people on here who disagree with me aren't really important because none of you pay my bills, employ me, would set foot in my church or have anything to do with me other than logging on to post because:

    Now, when we have some good conversations, great. Otherwise, meh. Take it or leave it. I've been that way since I stepped down from being head admin and my opinion hasn't changed. Sadly, it's real easy to get caught up in that line of thinking (i've been guilty of it numerous times in dealing with Cruz and eternal in the past). Thankfully, I've had some good brethren around to reign me in and remind me of my priorities and where they should be as well as how I need to change some things in how I respond to folk on here.

    I've gotten better. Am I perfect ? Nah. I still have harsh moments - just a bit fewer and farther in-between. And I've learned to walk away at times.

    That said, I gave some thought to this issue on the way to FFF yesterday and reflected on a number of things (recent sermons from my pastor, confluence of events in life) and recognized some of the recent 'shots' folks have been taking for what they are: Satan using immature believers to push my buttons. Stupid on my part because after 5 years of dealing with folk on here, I should've noticed it a long while back. But I digress for now.....

    So in regard to him catching feelings, I'm sorry he's offended by that statement as well as him feeling offended that I disagreed with him on 'your opinion is not superior'. Obviously, he thinks his opinion is superior....let him be convinced in his own mind. If he really believed that no one's opinion was superior, he wouldn't catch feelings because he'd treat other people's words as equal to his own instead of being offended by them.

    Think about it for a second. A person who TRULY believes that no one's opinion is superior has no basis for 'catching feelings' when they are told they are wrong.

    So for offending you, I apologize. I'm sorry you were offended that I disagreed with you. But I do stand by my statements. If you can provide a legitimate reason why I should believe otherwise, lay it out and I'll consider it. Otherwise, learn to live with the fact that people are going to disagree with you and it's not your place to (especially with less than a full month on the board and only 160-70 posts) think you know what's in their heart. You're out of line and in straight violation of scripture at that point.

    Now as far as offenses....he took direct shots at me in this thread.

    I pondered that, the other mini-shot that noyze took in the other thread and a sermon from my pastor recently on Matthew 5 (we're moving through the beatitudes). specifically on anger. My wife and I saw this dude outside of Arby's who was really REALLY reaally REEAAAAALLLLY angry last night. I mean, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking the snow/ice on the ground and beating up a sign (seriously).

    Looks like his issue was auto-related (I think he actually kicked in the hood of another car in a parking lot - it was a VW bug). Don't know because he didn't look too 'safe' to approach and I was busy getting gas so I could get on the road to FFF. But wow....what was HE angry about ? I don't know. Maybe he was a chronically neglectful father on his last chance to spend time with his kids and show them he loved them and his car broke down in transit. Maybe his finances are jacked up and this would now put him in a situation between 'work' or 'rent'. Don't know.

    The school board's messing with teacher pay again and threatening to cut 1162 of 8600 positions (and of course, they want to threaten the arts as usual....). We haven't gotten a cost of living increase in three years. Aside from some other ridiculous things they've done (including threatening to cut masters' level pay, which directly affects me since I'm almost done with mine). So this weekend, maybe later today, I'll be digging up some data (I dislike the words 'data driven instruction') and possibly calling in to speak at the school board meeting on the 8th or the 10th.....along with getting a few of my good students together to head to the board and speak....along with two major performances with my students this week (three for the month), preparation for band festival in march, reduced class time because we're fighting to make AYP this year so they're using two days out of the week for modified schedules.....and that's all before I come home and look to the needs of my wife (who has the same job, and hence, the same concerns and issues as me).

    Maybe I should be kicking a sign. In perspective, though, some dude on HCR is really a small issue. Prior to the break, I had to raise my voice at an unruly parent who thought she had the right to come up to the school and fuss at me because I told her daughter to get out of the hallway and get into class. THAT day, I got angry.

    In retrospect, I was wrong. I didn't have to yell back at her (she sure wasn't expecting it and took off driving real quick, although one of the VPs talked to her as well). I could've made the same point without raising my voice and letter her push my buttons. Satan uses the unsaved like this on a regular basis, so it should be no big surprise to me. I shouldn't have lost my cool there. I was angry.

    Hmmm. Dude kicking a sign, WoG posting insults, me yelling at a parent.

    What grounds do ANY OF US have to be THAT upset ? What do any of us get that we don't deserve ? Oh yeah - grace, mercy, breath, food, shelter, income....

    The parent, I don't know. Really I don't know WoG either.

    Ephesians 4:29 was mentioned earlier. The context of that passage reads:

    26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27and give no opportunity to the devil. 28Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    There are times to be legitimately angry, but when that anger takes us into sin, it becomes unrighteous anger. Actions that follow from unrighteous anger give the enemy an opportunity to use us against each other - we eliminate that by following the path of Ephesians 4:31-32. Instead of 'last-wording' this post in defense of myself, I realize that God was insulted (and continues to be insulted) much worse than I. And while I may or may not deserve any of the insults I've gotten, He does NOT deserve any He's gotten - especially from me during the course of my life. He's forgiven me and I'm commanded to forgive others in the body of Christ as well.

    WoG, I forgive you for your insults in this thread. I don't hold any of it against you and pray you have a blessed week and a blessed Lord's day. True love forgives, keeps forgiving and does its' best to maintain the bond of the unity of peace - not stir up further confusion, problems, gripes and issues between brethren.

    If you have further problems or issues with me, e-mail me at kerry at [[[[[[[[[[[lifedoctrinemusic.com]]]]]]]]] (sorry for the brackets and all - google's spiders and other spambots scan threads for e-mail addresses) and I'll send you my phone number so we can talk it out like brethren.

    Grace and Peace.
    The simple fact is that this is an "unpopular opinion" thread, so nobody should be saying anything about anybodys opinions in it. Peace and God bless.

  15. #650
    HCR Veterano Emayus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Understand something:

    I'm a grown man with a wife and a life. If I need to mention someone's name directly, I will. You (and others who've been here for a while) know full well I don't need to do 'sly shots' at folks - if I want to mention your name directly, I do. That statement was directed at the concept, not the person.

    Understand something else - I go weeks at a time without visiting HCR, so my life does not revolve around things that you, him, or anyone else on this board says or thinks. To be honest, I really don't care too much. The bulk of opinions on me from some people on here who disagree with me aren't really important because none of you pay my bills, employ me, would set foot in my church or have anything to do with me other than logging on to post because:

    Now, when we have some good conversations, great. Otherwise, meh. Take it or leave it. I've been that way since I stepped down from being head admin and my opinion hasn't changed. Sadly, it's real easy to get caught up in that line of thinking (i've been guilty of it numerous times in dealing with Cruz and eternal in the past). Thankfully, I've had some good brethren around to reign me in and remind me of my priorities and where they should be as well as how I need to change some things in how I respond to folk on here.

    I've gotten better. Am I perfect ? Nah. I still have harsh moments - just a bit fewer and farther in-between. And I've learned to walk away at times.

    That said, I gave some thought to this issue on the way to FFF yesterday and reflected on a number of things (recent sermons from my pastor, confluence of events in life) and recognized some of the recent 'shots' folks have been taking for what they are: Satan using immature believers to push my buttons. Stupid on my part because after 5 years of dealing with folk on here, I should've noticed it a long while back. But I digress for now.....

    So in regard to him catching feelings, I'm sorry he's offended by that statement as well as him feeling offended that I disagreed with him on 'your opinion is not superior'. Obviously, he thinks his opinion is superior....let him be convinced in his own mind. If he really believed that no one's opinion was superior, he wouldn't catch feelings because he'd treat other people's words as equal to his own instead of being offended by them.

    Think about it for a second. A person who TRULY believes that no one's opinion is superior has no basis for 'catching feelings' when they are told they are wrong.

    So for offending you, I apologize. I'm sorry you were offended that I disagreed with you. But I do stand by my statements. If you can provide a legitimate reason why I should believe otherwise, lay it out and I'll consider it. Otherwise, learn to live with the fact that people are going to disagree with you and it's not your place to (especially with less than a full month on the board and only 160-70 posts) think you know what's in their heart. You're out of line and in straight violation of scripture at that point.

    Now as far as offenses....he took direct shots at me in this thread.

    I pondered that, the other mini-shot that noyze took in the other thread and a sermon from my pastor recently on Matthew 5 (we're moving through the beatitudes). specifically on anger. My wife and I saw this dude outside of Arby's who was really REALLY reaally REEAAAAALLLLY angry last night. I mean, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking the snow/ice on the ground and beating up a sign (seriously).

    Looks like his issue was auto-related (I think he actually kicked in the hood of another car in a parking lot - it was a VW bug). Don't know because he didn't look too 'safe' to approach and I was busy getting gas so I could get on the road to FFF. But wow....what was HE angry about ? I don't know. Maybe he was a chronically neglectful father on his last chance to spend time with his kids and show them he loved them and his car broke down in transit. Maybe his finances are jacked up and this would now put him in a situation between 'work' or 'rent'. Don't know.

    The school board's messing with teacher pay again and threatening to cut 1162 of 8600 positions (and of course, they want to threaten the arts as usual....). We haven't gotten a cost of living increase in three years. Aside from some other ridiculous things they've done (including threatening to cut masters' level pay, which directly affects me since I'm almost done with mine). So this weekend, maybe later today, I'll be digging up some data (I dislike the words 'data driven instruction') and possibly calling in to speak at the school board meeting on the 8th or the 10th.....along with getting a few of my good students together to head to the board and speak....along with two major performances with my students this week (three for the month), preparation for band festival in march, reduced class time because we're fighting to make AYP this year so they're using two days out of the week for modified schedules.....and that's all before I come home and look to the needs of my wife (who has the same job, and hence, the same concerns and issues as me).

    Maybe I should be kicking a sign. In perspective, though, some dude on HCR is really a small issue. Prior to the break, I had to raise my voice at an unruly parent who thought she had the right to come up to the school and fuss at me because I told her daughter to get out of the hallway and get into class. THAT day, I got angry.

    In retrospect, I was wrong. I didn't have to yell back at her (she sure wasn't expecting it and took off driving real quick, although one of the VPs talked to her as well). I could've made the same point without raising my voice and letter her push my buttons. Satan uses the unsaved like this on a regular basis, so it should be no big surprise to me. I shouldn't have lost my cool there. I was angry.

    Hmmm. Dude kicking a sign, WoG posting insults, me yelling at a parent.

    What grounds do ANY OF US have to be THAT upset ? What do any of us get that we don't deserve ? Oh yeah - grace, mercy, breath, food, shelter, income....

    The parent, I don't know. Really I don't know WoG either.

    Ephesians 4:29 was mentioned earlier. The context of that passage reads:

    26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27and give no opportunity to the devil. 28Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    There are times to be legitimately angry, but when that anger takes us into sin, it becomes unrighteous anger. Actions that follow from unrighteous anger give the enemy an opportunity to use us against each other - we eliminate that by following the path of Ephesians 4:31-32. Instead of 'last-wording' this post in defense of myself, I realize that God was insulted (and continues to be insulted) much worse than I. And while I may or may not deserve any of the insults I've gotten, He does NOT deserve any He's gotten - especially from me during the course of my life. He's forgiven me and I'm commanded to forgive others in the body of Christ as well.

    WoG, I forgive you for your insults in this thread. I don't hold any of it against you and pray you have a blessed week and a blessed Lord's day. True love forgives, keeps forgiving and does its' best to maintain the bond of the unity of peace - not stir up further confusion, problems, gripes and issues between brethren.

    If you have further problems or issues with me, e-mail me at kerry at [[[[[[[[[[[lifedoctrinemusic.com]]]]]]]]] (sorry for the brackets and all - google's spiders and other spambots scan threads for e-mail addresses) and I'll send you my phone number so we can talk it out like brethren.

    Grace and Peace.
    I didn't read your whole post. It was eye opening to see what is going on behind the scenes in your life, and I appreciate it. I will keep your job and the areas of life that become stressful for you in my prayers.

  16. #651
    HCR Ole' Head BlackCalvinist's Avatar
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    Back on topic:

    Most of what people call 'real talk', 'keepin' it real' and 'being authentic' are really excuses for people to engage in sin with their lips - whether in conversation with others or in conversation with God (Eccl. 5:1-7).
    (just not on HCR as much)

  17. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BlackCalvinist For This Useful Post:

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  18. #652
    HCR Ole' Head BlackCalvinist's Avatar
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    Oh, and repeating myself for all the Calvinist-bashers:

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Oh, unpopular opinion:

    Every true Christian is a Calvinist at heart. Your understanding of the faith just hasn't caught up with where your root convictions lie.

    Every true Christian, when pressed, will acknowledge that there was nothing they could have done to bring themselves to faith in Christ and that prior to God 'turning on the lights', the gospel (specifically GOD) didn't appeal to them like that.

    Every true Christian realizes that nothing else keeps them daily from busting hell wide open except the power of Christ. They all realize that they can't add anything to the finished work of Christ...if they are a true Christian. They realize that Jesus paid it ALL (not Jesus paid it SOME....). All to HIM I owe. And they also realize that ALL means all.

    They also realize they had no choice in where they would be born, who they would be born to, where they would grow up, who they would live with, when they would hear the gospel and have it make sense to them....

    And no true Christian prays for a lost loved one "Lord, do all you can, but don't violate their free will".

    Every true Christian also realizes that God is, somewhere behind the scenes, guiding and moving all of the events and aspects of their life with a purpose to do them good, even when they don't see it and don't understand it.

    They may not understand and be able to articulate it all....they may not have any education beyond a 3rd grade rural country church mother, but in statements like "I thank the Lord for wakin' me up this mornin', starting me on my way, picking me up out of the muck and mire of sin and placing my feet on a Rock - His Son!" - statements like that are very very very reformed.

    Might not be able to articulate it, might not know the theological terms to describe it, might be ignorant of church history, might not want to argue about it, but God only creates one kind of Christian.
    (just not on HCR as much)

  19. #653
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Oh, and repeating myself for all the Calvinist-bashers:

    That big blockquote sounds identical to Phillip Ryken's stuff from his "Basics of the Reformed Faith" series of mini-books. Good bread.

    I cannot stand Derrick Rose as a basketball player. Respect him, and acknowledge his skill -- but cannot stand him.
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  20. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by SemperReformanda View Post
    I cannot stand Derrick Rose as a basketball player. Respect him, and acknowledge his skill -- but cannot stand him.
    Why not? He's done nothing wrong as a player. He stays outta trouble off the court. He's a good dude.
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  21. #655
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Back on topic:

    Most of what people call 'real talk', 'keepin' it real' and 'being authentic' are really excuses for people to engage in sin with their lips - whether in conversation with others or in conversation with God (Eccl. 5:1-7).
    Not necessarily. I think what you're referring to here is justification, or cats who justify their actions with words. If you say bob why are you smoking a cigarette, he says cuz that's what I do. He kept it real, that was real talk, he was being genuine.....he didn't justify his action, he just spoke the truth. Dudes who really "keep it real" don't give an (excuse) or reason why, they just do, now if he would've said "well I don't see nothing wrong with it because the bible doesn't say....or if he said I can't help it, I grew up seeing...." then he justified & that's most certainly not keeping it "real" Now you got a bunch of cats who walk around being fake or ignorant & saying they're "keeping it real" but they're not! But from your definition of "keeping it real" you would have to say that paul was the type of person you're referring to in Romans 7:15-25.
    As believers the only reason we should speak the language of the culture is so we can help the culture begin to speak the language of God

  22. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    Understand something:

    I'm a grown man with a wife and a life. If I need to mention someone's name directly, I will. You (and others who've been here for a while) know full well I don't need to do 'sly shots' at folks - if I want to mention your name directly, I do. That statement was directed at the concept, not the person.

    Understand something else - I go weeks at a time without visiting HCR, so my life does not revolve around things that you, him, or anyone else on this board says or thinks. To be honest, I really don't care too much. The bulk of opinions on me from some people on here who disagree with me aren't really important because none of you pay my bills, employ me, would set foot in my church or have anything to do with me other than logging on to post because:

    Now, when we have some good conversations, great. Otherwise, meh. Take it or leave it. I've been that way since I stepped down from being head admin and my opinion hasn't changed. Sadly, it's real easy to get caught up in that line of thinking (i've been guilty of it numerous times in dealing with Cruz and eternal in the past). Thankfully, I've had some good brethren around to reign me in and remind me of my priorities and where they should be as well as how I need to change some things in how I respond to folk on here.

    I've gotten better. Am I perfect ? Nah. I still have harsh moments - just a bit fewer and farther in-between. And I've learned to walk away at times.

    That said, I gave some thought to this issue on the way to FFF yesterday and reflected on a number of things (recent sermons from my pastor, confluence of events in life) and recognized some of the recent 'shots' folks have been taking for what they are: Satan using immature believers to push my buttons. Stupid on my part because after 5 years of dealing with folk on here, I should've noticed it a long while back. But I digress for now.....

    So in regard to him catching feelings, I'm sorry he's offended by that statement as well as him feeling offended that I disagreed with him on 'your opinion is not superior'. Obviously, he thinks his opinion is superior....let him be convinced in his own mind. If he really believed that no one's opinion was superior, he wouldn't catch feelings because he'd treat other people's words as equal to his own instead of being offended by them.

    Think about it for a second. A person who TRULY believes that no one's opinion is superior has no basis for 'catching feelings' when they are told they are wrong.

    So for offending you, I apologize. I'm sorry you were offended that I disagreed with you. But I do stand by my statements. If you can provide a legitimate reason why I should believe otherwise, lay it out and I'll consider it. Otherwise, learn to live with the fact that people are going to disagree with you and it's not your place to (especially with less than a full month on the board and only 160-70 posts) think you know what's in their heart. You're out of line and in straight violation of scripture at that point.

    Now as far as offenses....he took direct shots at me in this thread.

    I pondered that, the other mini-shot that noyze took in the other thread and a sermon from my pastor recently on Matthew 5 (we're moving through the beatitudes). specifically on anger. My wife and I saw this dude outside of Arby's who was really REALLY reaally REEAAAAALLLLY angry last night. I mean, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking the snow/ice on the ground and beating up a sign (seriously).

    Looks like his issue was auto-related (I think he actually kicked in the hood of another car in a parking lot - it was a VW bug). Don't know because he didn't look too 'safe' to approach and I was busy getting gas so I could get on the road to FFF. But wow....what was HE angry about ? I don't know. Maybe he was a chronically neglectful father on his last chance to spend time with his kids and show them he loved them and his car broke down in transit. Maybe his finances are jacked up and this would now put him in a situation between 'work' or 'rent'. Don't know.

    The school board's messing with teacher pay again and threatening to cut 1162 of 8600 positions (and of course, they want to threaten the arts as usual....). We haven't gotten a cost of living increase in three years. Aside from some other ridiculous things they've done (including threatening to cut masters' level pay, which directly affects me since I'm almost done with mine). So this weekend, maybe later today, I'll be digging up some data (I dislike the words 'data driven instruction') and possibly calling in to speak at the school board meeting on the 8th or the 10th.....along with getting a few of my good students together to head to the board and speak....along with two major performances with my students this week (three for the month), preparation for band festival in march, reduced class time because we're fighting to make AYP this year so they're using two days out of the week for modified schedules.....and that's all before I come home and look to the needs of my wife (who has the same job, and hence, the same concerns and issues as me).

    Maybe I should be kicking a sign. In perspective, though, some dude on HCR is really a small issue. Prior to the break, I had to raise my voice at an unruly parent who thought she had the right to come up to the school and fuss at me because I told her daughter to get out of the hallway and get into class. THAT day, I got angry.

    In retrospect, I was wrong. I didn't have to yell back at her (she sure wasn't expecting it and took off driving real quick, although one of the VPs talked to her as well). I could've made the same point without raising my voice and letter her push my buttons. Satan uses the unsaved like this on a regular basis, so it should be no big surprise to me. I shouldn't have lost my cool there. I was angry.

    Hmmm. Dude kicking a sign, WoG posting insults, me yelling at a parent.

    What grounds do ANY OF US have to be THAT upset ? What do any of us get that we don't deserve ? Oh yeah - grace, mercy, breath, food, shelter, income....

    The parent, I don't know. Really I don't know WoG either.

    Ephesians 4:29 was mentioned earlier. The context of that passage reads:

    26 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, 27and give no opportunity to the devil. 28Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. 29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    There are times to be legitimately angry, but when that anger takes us into sin, it becomes unrighteous anger. Actions that follow from unrighteous anger give the enemy an opportunity to use us against each other - we eliminate that by following the path of Ephesians 4:31-32. Instead of 'last-wording' this post in defense of myself, I realize that God was insulted (and continues to be insulted) much worse than I. And while I may or may not deserve any of the insults I've gotten, He does NOT deserve any He's gotten - especially from me during the course of my life. He's forgiven me and I'm commanded to forgive others in the body of Christ as well.

    WoG, I forgive you for your insults in this thread. I don't hold any of it against you and pray you have a blessed week and a blessed Lord's day. True love forgives, keeps forgiving and does its' best to maintain the bond of the unity of peace - not stir up further confusion, problems, gripes and issues between brethren.

    If you have further problems or issues with me, e-mail me at kerry at [[[[[[[[[[[lifedoctrinemusic.com]]]]]]]]] (sorry for the brackets and all - google's spiders and other spambots scan threads for e-mail addresses) and I'll send you my phone number so we can talk it out like brethren.

    Grace and Peace.
    By the way if it's really a big deal, I would like to say this brother will reach out & talk straight up no chaser...wether you agree, disagree, this guy here is quite humble! I'm not saying this because he just paypal'd me $1,000 (thanks for that though) but b/c we would go back & forth at each other, but dude reached out, and from that point I knew even he said something mean or harsh, or wrong, that I could give him the benefit of the doubt. Now if anyone else would like me to say something loving or supporting about them on HCR, PM me & I'll give you my paypal address
    As believers the only reason we should speak the language of the culture is so we can help the culture begin to speak the language of God

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    Quote Originally Posted by jeyjey34 View Post
    I don't get why people like coffee. I don't like the taste at all. I'll take hot chocolate over it any day.
    cuz you never had cuban coffee
    As believers the only reason we should speak the language of the culture is so we can help the culture begin to speak the language of God

  25. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by dremarshall View Post
    Not necessarily.
    That's why I said most. I'll agree with you on your examples given. Some people simply don't make excuses and tell you straight up - yep, I did XXX or YYY because that's what I do. THAT is keeping it real.

    But from your definition of "keeping it real" you would have to say that paul was the type of person you're referring to in Romans 7:15-25.
    Naw, neither one of those types in my description.
    (just not on HCR as much)

  26. #659
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackCalvinist View Post
    That's why I said most. I'll agree with you on your examples given. Some people simply don't make excuses and tell you straight up - yep, I did XXX or YYY because that's what I do. THAT is keeping it real.

    Naw, neither one of those types in my description.
    Got ya bro!
    As believers the only reason we should speak the language of the culture is so we can help the culture begin to speak the language of God

  27. #660
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    Real love is missing from a lot of the church today. It's been replaced by an emasculated, overly emotional, experience-based, sappy sentimentalism that people think is 'love', but it's really being nice and feeling nice.
    (just not on HCR as much)

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