this is the most REAL TALK i have had with most of you here on the message board........EVER!!!
this is the most REAL TALK i have had with most of you here on the message board........EVER!!!
Preach Dat Fire | Holla-Fest Radio
shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
Too many rappers, not enough emcees
Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010), jeyjey34 (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Shock~Therapy (10-05-2010), thePeculiar (10-05-2010)
I believe in and do speak a prayer language that is only understood by God Himself hearing what is coming from the heart, when in personal prayer time.
I think CHH is dangerously close to the limit of MC's similar to when Secular hip hop went from being a basket full of artists (the early '90s) to a basket full plus their family and friends ('95 - present day) who take the art and tweak it to the point that a straw breaks the back.
I believe a woman can minister the word, but personally I'd have a really hard time serving under a woman pastor.
I believe I do not need to compromise with the young people in church and allow them listening to secular garbage if on a youth trip or outing.
David L (10-05-2010), Moody (10-05-2010), thePeculiar (10-05-2010)
I believe many churches who try to be missional miss the mark in other areas and don't present a balanced approach to church.
shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
Every one of Eves posts in this thread have been ON POINT, especially #5!
eve (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
Any topic???
If you think that your becoming better behaved/more holy/less sinful has ANY direct bearing on your standing before/relationship to God, or your eternal destination, then you haven't begun to understand the Gospel...
Now I might have to leave the country for a few days...
Ash (10-05-2010), d.hyde (10-05-2010), Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010), elboogietheservant (10-06-2010), Emayus (10-05-2010), Enlighten (10-05-2010), eve (10-05-2010), FollowerOfChrist1 (10-05-2010), Moody (10-05-2010), savedbygracealone (10-05-2010), seal (10-05-2010), SemperReformanda (10-07-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Shock~Therapy (10-05-2010), thePeculiar (10-05-2010), Trey.Dub (10-10-2010), Tyler Benton (11-04-2010), Zema (10-06-2010)
if you pray in tongues and you can't interpret it, it's unfruitful. o.o *packs bags*
If you see a post in this thread you do not agree with, you are not allowed to make a subliminal rebuttal post! (buys plane ticket)
d.hyde (10-05-2010), jeyjey34 (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Yung Lion (10-05-2010), Zema (10-06-2010)
i don't like Trip Lee's music because I cannot stand his rap voice
Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010)
shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
i think that guy "Preach Dat Fire" is a obnoxious loud mouth & holla-fest radio is mad WACK!!!!
sorry yall...just thinking out loud! im just bieng honest....dont judge me! liol
Preach Dat Fire | Holla-Fest Radio
David L (10-05-2010), FollowerOfChrist1 (10-05-2010), jeyjey34 (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Yung Lion (10-05-2010)
I don't see anywhere in scripture where MUSIC is used to teach DOCTRINE...Therefore to place that burden on ANY rapper is unbiblical.
*gets fitted for coffin.
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bloodsista (10-06-2010), Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
I Think that a person who does not understand a persons theological position should not be allowed to argue against it, This goes for ANY Denomination,
I have seen MANY Denominations argued over (Including but Definately not limited to My own belief) where the opponent is completely butchering what the other Actually believes.
Church Boy (10-05-2010), d.hyde (10-05-2010), Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010)
seal (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010)
The problem with CHH is NOT the lack of Bible knowledge or lyrics from the MC's, but the lack of Bible knowledge amongst the FANS. Who in many cases can't recognize the word of God when they hear it b/c they don't study it for themselves
Follow me on TWITTER...I DARE YOU..LOL
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FollowerOfChrist1 (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Spiderman (10-05-2010)
David L (10-05-2010), Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010), Lynaz24 (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Shock~Therapy (10-05-2010), Zema (10-06-2010)
I did not buy "killing sin" Musically that album is horrid and the songs were just too somber and spooky.
Ambassador is the G.O.A.T. ( don't even say it)
Reach is the new CM
RINGO is a dummy
Tru life is a great producer, should of stayed off the mic
The only rapper I think is legit from Christcentric is Evangel
Lecrae wins because he's the most popular
"Grace and peace u know what im sayin.. Read the minor prophets" - B scientific
Deadmanwalking (10-05-2010), Emayus (10-05-2010), shekinahsmoke (10-05-2010), Yung Lion (10-05-2010), Zema (10-06-2010)
I will (slightly) ignore bad songs, if the lyrics are Theologically and Biblically on point or Cut to the Heart. I mean hey, I wasnt even a Rap fan at all, a few months ago. but the biblical theology in some just amazing
The only Lecrae album I was really liking was his first cd Real Talk because he showed a lot more lyricism and multis on it.
Since then, he hasn't been rapping with that same lyricism for whatever reason and I haven't been feeling his solo projects...maybe one or two songs from each cd. I haven't listened to Rehab to yet.
"Oh God, you are my God and I will ever praise you."
FollowerOfChrist1 (10-05-2010)
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