I love God
I love God
Last edited by Tarii_2sweet; 08-26-2017 at 10:38 PM.
I see Londontown is back to mod now. You can't stand stupidity so you closed the thread down? And what stupidity might that be? Nobody was fighting in that thread. In fact nobody even posts here anymore, so you closed the only thread where activity was thriving. Nice.
If you had an issue with it at least explain yourself better and maybe send a message as to why you decided to close it. Or maybe try to be apart of the conversation? To be quite honest I don't agree in the slightest that you decided to close it, but hey, your the mod after all. I'll tell you this though, shutting down any type of conversation on here will surely make Holy Culture die much faster.
Thread that was closed without any warning: http://forum.holyculture.net/showthr...omplete-Set-up
Maybe it's time to go and post in the FLAME and REACH RECORDS EFFEMINIZED & THE WOMEN MASCULINE thread. I'm sure conversation of substance is going on in there.
Last edited by The Light Within; 08-26-2017 at 10:34 PM.
The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin
loercase (08-27-2017)
Wow, so all the white bashing isn't offensive? Personally, I'm not offended at any of it, but I'm sure there are many who would be. Every other post here is about how the white man has caused all of life's problems...This isn't Christ honoring in the least! What an example of Christ living in and through us we are.
Anyhow, go back and read this thread by Londontown, because this issue goes way back: http://forum.holyculture.net/showthr...vilege-Is-Real
The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin
I'm not interested in modding anymore (I've stated this to Trig), this place is dead and ruined by trolls and mismanagement. I come across this place every now and then, and on this occasion I saw a stupid thread, so I thought I'd close it since I could. Shrug.
Any suggestion that Charlottesville was staged deserves condemnation.
Tarii_2sweet (08-27-2017)
Alright, thanks for the explanation, in your words, I'll try not to be a tool...
So regarding the staging, what I said in the thread was that I don't think it was fake, what I think is that there are elements of it that are pre-planned to stand down etc. We as the common people aren't going to know the intricacies of what and how police will handle certain situations. Nor will we ever completely understand how all situations are played out.
There's a lot going on in this world and its best to keep our focus on Christ and his remedy for all the sin in the world.
Last edited by The Light Within; 08-27-2017 at 12:32 PM.
The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin
Tarii_2sweet (08-29-2017)
I think you probably didn't read what the point was and just reacted to the clickbait headline. I can understand that because you're across the pond and probably not following US news. In various times and towns, antifa is being given carte blanche to run amok. They've gotten so bad that even the MSM can't ignore them now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.e3ef901c5ec3
So the point that when the police are ordered to stand down and allow the parties to clash, you can say it was staged. All the actors were real, organic. What wasn't organic was the managerial organization to allow the violence to occur.
That one black supporter
The devil has tried many tactics to stop the advance of the church, including distracting them from their calling. Even in the days of Jesus the apostles overcame the devil by refusing to be sidelined from their primary calling to preach the word. This white vs black issue is just a distraction at the moment. Now Christians fighting Christians...If the devil can’t get us by persecution or corruption, he’ll go for distraction. The distractions may be good things, not sinful things. But they aren’t the best things! They aren’t the things God has called us to. If you find yourself busying yourself in things that are not God’s calling on your life, you need to give up some of those things to someone for whom that is their calling. Delegation is key. We can’t do everything. We must focus on what God wants each of us to do. Refuse to be distracted. When we are distracted and fail, run into the arms of Jesus, to find mercy and grace to help in time of need. He is the only one who was never distracted from His mission. Find grace and help in Him!
Last edited by The Light Within; 08-30-2017 at 05:39 PM.
The Bible said for Jesus we're ambassadors / So it's time to rip off this muzzle of fear and passiveness / — Datin
Tarii_2sweet (08-30-2017)
Yeah, what a nut. It's such a pity that our society is so trained to think in leftist terms that even good people (not that guy) speak in identity politics, blacks for Trump, whites for Trump, browns for Trump oranges for Trump, well the only orange I know is Trump, so maybe just orange for Trump. Not the Trump is the only thing. It's always this color or that color or this or that. People marginalize themselves too much.
Here's a man who isn't such and also whose recent experiences are a graphic reminder that the communists don't respect anyone.
The Nashville Statement does us a great favor. It's revealing who is who.
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