Hi. Welcome to the Holy Culture Radio Discussion Board. Thanks for registering.
We're glad to have you here. To get you started, we've directed you here to help you get used to the board.
Take a few seconds and hit the 'New Thread' button here in this part of the forum and post your very own Intro Thread, so folks can get to know you.
To keep down on spammers and troublemakers (and we've had some of both in the past and the present) we'll have some board rules we want you to abide by:
Board rules (coming soon)
If you're not sure what to write for your intro, you can simply follow this guideline here:
Name and/or Nickname:
Church you fellowship at:
Anything Else?:
Favorite artists:
Feel free to copy and paste that and fill it out... or get creative and tell us about yourself in your own words.
Click here to create your intro thread.
Additional questions ? Ask a moderator or admin.
We're here to serve and will be glad to give you a hand on the board.
We're working on a FAQ for you to read through if you have questions. It'll be up soon.
We hope you enjoy your time here on HCR and are blessed by both the people you meet and the conversations you engage in. We also pray that you would be a blessing to the people of God here on the board!
- The Staff of HCR