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You know, when I saw the locked "booty" thread, I knew EXACTLY what he was getting at, and I had to laugh a little about some of the responses. I'm like "okay, I just must be one of the few born-again Christians that has to deal with these types of things"
Interestingly enough, Tonex touched on the same mindset. I'll categorize it as "being born-again yet still finding out that you are a dawg without Christ".
Truth is, I'll put on my team a "struggling" Christian who is transparent than a "everything is good with me" Christian who is secretly dealing with issues. Why? Because I believe the "struggling" Christian (who is transparent) will be closer to realizing what God's grace is really about (and he will eventually be "cleaned up" and transparent)
There seems to be a lot of the latter nowadays. (I'm really not talking about messageboards either, so those of you who are all worked up because you think I'm taking a "shot" at you, get over it)
Its time that we become more transparent so that those outside the church (and inside) will see that 1) people struggle (for whatever the reason - sometimes bad circumstances, other times because of our disobedience) but 2) people can have victory in Christ because of the grace of God. And again... those who have gone through the process (and truly understands God's grace) will have a VERY DIFFERENT ATTITUDE towards cats like Tonex than those who have not.
So whatever you repond with (regarding Tonex's interview), ask yourself first this... what if you were in Tonex's shoes? What would you have done in his situation? Would you have "lashed" out as he did? Would you have responded differently? When you've come to your conclusion, then ask yourself... "What has God saved me from?"
If you answer "He has not only saved me from Sin, but from MYSELF"... you understand, and you will have a response tempered with a lot more love and understanding (because you've been there) vs. "this brotha ain't saved, blah, blah, blah."
Lastly, please don't mis-interpret what I'm saying as giving folks a license to act a fool (or having an un-repentive heart). That is not what I'm talking about. But what I am talking about is people who have acted a fool... while born-again, yet God saved them from their foolishness and by the time He was done with them, they are like "Yes, Jesus! I can see now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” Ps 51:1
I guess I could have summed everything up as this:
Those who have been forgiven a lot love a lot. The longer I walk this earth as a Christian, the more this phrase becomes real to me. I thank God that He has saved me from my folly, and I thank Him that no matter where Tonex goes, He has him in His hand, and the brotha will come out of this transformed even more into the image of Christ... because He is a good Father.
With this said, this will be the last post from me (for awhile) on the board. Got some new projects to work on and I need to be spending more time in the Word. If you want to holla for whateve reason, feel free to hit me up on the PM.
Lastly, I leave you with this...
2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.
Much blessings to all of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus!
In Christ,
Stephen Moody