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  1. #1
    HCR Veterano DJ Wade-O's Avatar
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    Default Tonex's 1st interview since Naked Truth

    I am sure everyone will have their opinions of Tonex after listening to this, I just ask that you listen to the full interview, befor you make your mind up. Obviously, I still urge you to keep him, his family, those who stand beside him in ministry as well as his family in prayer.



    My bad ya'll. I gotta reload the show. It'll be up within the hour. Sorry.

    EDIT Part 2:
    Click here to listen ya'll

    For a playlist of the show...CLICK HERE
    Last edited by DJ Wade-O; 06-26-2007 at 01:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Retired APPLEJAXX's Avatar
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    Default Tonex what is nureau?

    What is Nureau?

    Laced in the fabric of the universe is the Lord's creative genius. Paul in Colossians 1:16 says that "for by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible...all things were created by Him and for Him."

    In 1992, Tonéx received the vision for this new movement. I have been following the Nureaun Ink movement for years, and I was blessed with the opportunity to become a part of it in 2003.

    The first night I arrived in San Diego was May of 2003. Working on lyrics can make a man hungry, so Tonéx and I went to Taco Fiesta and ordered chicken-rolled tacos. As soon as we arrived back at his home, we greeted the Queen (Ms. Tonéx) then Tonéx gave me a tour of the house. Then we sat in front of the flat screen and watched a throw-back tape of Tonéx directing the choir in 1992. I heard some futuristic choir music that churches are still not brave enough to do now in 2007. This goes to show that even though it's 2007, and people are just now experiencing the Nureau movement, God has been working through Tonéx and the Inkians for years.

    Five years after the call, in 1997, Tonéx released the original version of Pronounced Toe-Nay. People finally caught a glimpse of the INK in that album. The album could not be placed in a specific music genre because it was hip-hop, retro, soul, jazz, and the futuristic all in one.

    Several years later, in 2001, the album MSS Dynasty: Hostile Takeover (see album review) was released [on Tommy Boy Gospel]. The project provided encouragement: nuggets that gave society a taste of the Ink's creative technique.

    Aside from music, Nureau is a lifestyle. James 1:22 says to "be doers of the word, and not hearers only". The Nureau culture is all about applying the principles revealed in the Bible to our lives. Along with the concepts from the Word, we have our own look, style, walk and even a glossary. Try going to the store and picking up some "teenage yogurt!"

    The magnitude of innovation we all bring to the table is what makes the Nureau movement unique. Our different talents also define us as Nureaupeans. A Nureaupean is a citizen of Nureaumerica. We focus on the Lord and allow HIS creativity and power to flow through us.

    Many people try to be carbon copies of what is current in pop or hip hop culture. Claiming to "strive for excellence" while imitating the very thing others do is not what we are about. We strive to step up the quality of our life and work so that our character, music, language, outlook, and ink spillage reflect Christ. We do this so we walk in total quality. We make trends and people follow us. With the mindset of expanding our inventive approach, we are pushed to rectify the dark clouds of deception shadowing over the world.

    Nureau is NOT just music, NOT just language, NOT just a Japanese look Tonéx wears to the Stellar Awards, and NOT just a cereal-like name. Nureau is a culture. Nureau is a lifestyle focused on Christ, while at the same time, being creative in whatever form we are perfecting, in order to be lamps with oil that burn in a world that so desperately needs answers.

    Kingdom Kulture Kool!!
    ~written by Applejaxx~

  3. #3
    HCR Ole' Head Moody's Avatar
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    Does this Nureau post belong here?

    Anyway, I downloaded the show and I'm listening to it right now.

    All I gotta say is... I hear the brotha's heart, and honestly? Honestly? My view hasn't changed on him at all. Despite the cussing and language, I saw through it (before) and see where he is coming from more clearly now. Needless to say, I'm glad to know that Tonex isn't what half of yall was saying he was.

    Dude needs prayer and encouragment... like we all do.

    Furthermore, just an observation... those who've had to "deal with issues" (while being saved) will have a VERY DIFFERENT attitude toward brothas like Tonex vs. those who have not.

    By the way, I love this line from him (paraphrased)


    That's real right there. Sums up my view on some of yall on this board.

    Anyway, I'm praying for the brotha... not because I think he ain't saved. I'm praying for the brotha cuz I know what it's like to be born-again and to feel like you are lost still.

    Yo, Wade-O, thanks for doing this and posting it!!!

  4. #4
    Young Bol outrage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moody View Post
    Does this Nureau post belong here?
    ahhh, yes

  5. #5
    HCR Veterano DJ Wade-O's Avatar
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    I am loading it back up now guys. Should be ready in a few minutes. Again sorry for this.

    Moody, thanks for the kinds words bro. I'd appreciate if you dont share that version of teh show with anyone. There were some audio issues involved with it.

  6. #6
    HCR Ole' Head Moody's Avatar
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    No worries brotha, I got it on lock-down...

  7. #7
    HCR Veterano ZestD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moody View Post
    Does this Nureau post belong here?

    Anyway, I downloaded the show and I'm listening to it right now.

    All I gotta say is... I hear the brotha's heart, and honestly? Honestly? My view hasn't changed on him at all. Despite the cussing and language, I saw through it (before) and see where he is coming from more clearly now. Needless to say, I'm glad to know that Tonex isn't what half of yall was saying he was.

    Dude needs prayer and encouragment... like we all do.

    Furthermore, just an observation... those who've had to "deal with issues" (while being saved) will have a VERY DIFFERENT attitude toward brothas like Tonex vs. those who have not.

    By the way, I love this line from him (paraphrased)


    That's real right there. Sums up my view on some of yall on this board.

    Anyway, I'm praying for the brotha... not because I think he ain't saved. I'm praying for the brotha cuz I know what it's like to be born-again and to feel like you are lost still.

    Yo, Wade-O, thanks for doing this and posting it!!!
    Truest talk ever on this board...especially the bold part. We must remember to NOT used scripts as arrows and stones. Worry about your lust, greed, anger, etc like dremarshall alluded to in his locked "...booty..." thread.
    Last edited by ZestD; 06-24-2007 at 09:22 PM. Reason: toned down to avoid the wrath of vic
    "...that's why y'all cut me off, because I don't fake it..." -Enock

    "I heard one of your heroes took a fall- give him support, where's the love at now- y'all cut us short" - Sev Statik

  8. #8
    HCR Ole' Head Moody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZestD View Post
    Truest talk ever on this board...especially the bold part. We must remember to NOT used scripts as arrows and stones. Worry about your lust, greed, anger, etc like dremarshall alluded to in his locked "...booty..." thread.
    You know, when I saw the locked "booty" thread, I knew EXACTLY what he was getting at, and I had to laugh a little about some of the responses. I'm like "okay, I just must be one of the few born-again Christians that has to deal with these types of things"

    Interestingly enough, Tonex touched on the same mindset. I'll categorize it as "being born-again yet still finding out that you are a dawg without Christ".

    Truth is, I'll put on my team a "struggling" Christian who is transparent than a "everything is good with me" Christian who is secretly dealing with issues. Why? Because I believe the "struggling" Christian (who is transparent) will be closer to realizing what God's grace is really about (and he will eventually be "cleaned up" and transparent)

    There seems to be a lot of the latter nowadays. (I'm really not talking about messageboards either, so those of you who are all worked up because you think I'm taking a "shot" at you, get over it)

    Its time that we become more transparent so that those outside the church (and inside) will see that 1) people struggle (for whatever the reason - sometimes bad circumstances, other times because of our disobedience) but 2) people can have victory in Christ because of the grace of God. And again... those who have gone through the process (and truly understands God's grace) will have a VERY DIFFERENT ATTITUDE towards cats like Tonex than those who have not.

    So whatever you repond with (regarding Tonex's interview), ask yourself first this... what if you were in Tonex's shoes? What would you have done in his situation? Would you have "lashed" out as he did? Would you have responded differently? When you've come to your conclusion, then ask yourself... "What has God saved me from?"

    If you answer "He has not only saved me from Sin, but from MYSELF"... you understand, and you will have a response tempered with a lot more love and understanding (because you've been there) vs. "this brotha ain't saved, blah, blah, blah."

    Lastly, please don't mis-interpret what I'm saying as giving folks a license to act a fool (or having an un-repentive heart). That is not what I'm talking about. But what I am talking about is people who have acted a fool... while born-again, yet God saved them from their foolishness and by the time He was done with them, they are like "Yes, Jesus! I can see now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

    “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” Ps 51:1

    I guess I could have summed everything up as this:

    Those who have been forgiven a lot love a lot. The longer I walk this earth as a Christian, the more this phrase becomes real to me. I thank God that He has saved me from my folly, and I thank Him that no matter where Tonex goes, He has him in His hand, and the brotha will come out of this transformed even more into the image of Christ... because He is a good Father.

    With this said, this will be the last post from me (for awhile) on the board. Got some new projects to work on and I need to be spending more time in the Word. If you want to holla for whateve reason, feel free to hit me up on the PM.

    Lastly, I leave you with this...

    2 Corinthians 9:8
    And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

    Much blessings to all of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus!

    In Christ,
    Stephen Moody

  9. #9
    Young Bol JusThoughtZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moody View Post
    You know, when I saw the locked "booty" thread, I knew EXACTLY what he was getting at, and I had to laugh a little about some of the responses. I'm like "okay, I just must be one of the few born-again Christians that has to deal with these types of things"

    Interestingly enough, Tonex touched on the same mindset. I'll categorize it as "being born-again yet still finding out that you are a dawg without Christ".

    Truth is, I'll put on my team a "struggling" Christian who is transparent than a "everything is good with me" Christian who is secretly dealing with issues. Why? Because I believe the "struggling" Christian (who is transparent) will be closer to realizing what God's grace is really about (and he will eventually be "cleaned up" and transparent)

    There seems to be a lot of the latter nowadays. (I'm really not talking about messageboards either, so those of you who are all worked up because you think I'm taking a "shot" at you, get over it)

    Its time that we become more transparent so that those outside the church (and inside) will see that 1) people struggle (for whatever the reason - sometimes bad circumstances, other times because of our disobedience) but 2) people can have victory in Christ because of the grace of God. And again... those who have gone through the process (and truly understands God's grace) will have a VERY DIFFERENT ATTITUDE towards cats like Tonex than those who have not.

    So whatever you repond with (regarding Tonex's interview), ask yourself first this... what if you were in Tonex's shoes? What would you have done in his situation? Would you have "lashed" out as he did? Would you have responded differently? When you've come to your conclusion, then ask yourself... "What has God saved me from?"

    If you answer "He has not only saved me from Sin, but from MYSELF"... you understand, and you will have a response tempered with a lot more love and understanding (because you've been there) vs. "this brotha ain't saved, blah, blah, blah."

    Lastly, please don't mis-interpret what I'm saying as giving folks a license to act a fool (or having an un-repentive heart). That is not what I'm talking about. But what I am talking about is people who have acted a fool... while born-again, yet God saved them from their foolishness and by the time He was done with them, they are like "Yes, Jesus! I can see now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

    “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” Ps 51:1

    I guess I could have summed everything up as this:

    Those who have been forgiven a lot love a lot. The longer I walk this earth as a Christian, the more this phrase becomes real to me. I thank God that He has saved me from my folly, and I thank Him that no matter where Tonex goes, He has him in His hand, and the brotha will come out of this transformed even more into the image of Christ... because He is a good Father.

    With this said, this will be the last post from me (for awhile) on the board. Got some new projects to work on and I need to be spending more time in the Word. If you want to holla for whateve reason, feel free to hit me up on the PM.

    Lastly, I leave you with this...

    2 Corinthians 9:8
    And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

    Much blessings to all of you, in the name of the Lord Jesus!

    In Christ,
    Stephen Moody
    Bro what is your aim/yahoo/myspace?

    Thank Q. Maybe they will hear it from you....

  10. #10
    HCR Veterano DJ Wade-O's Avatar
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    ok...i put the link up in the initial post. Sorry for the roller coaster ride ya'll.

    Click here

  11. #11
    Young Bol DJ KriTiKul's Avatar
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    I'm getting quite frustrated. I can't find the song anywhere. Can anybody help me out? I'd like to better understand the controversy by hearing the song for myself.
    Romans 8:28

  12. #12
    Young Bol God's Elect's Avatar
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    Wade O, brotha I just thank God for your humble spirit in just reaching out to brotha Tonex. Love your show, I know God has a great work for you fam!! More to come! Bro Tonex is going thru a trial season, it will pass, deff will keep him lifted!

    Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness
    BECOME THE SOLUTION to wayward Christianity by TAKING RESPONSIBILITY of your spiritual development, QUESTIONING everything in the light of Truth.

    God's elect

  13. #13
    HCR Ole' Head JARZJR's Avatar
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    Wow... Wade, i'd like to see a copy of the message you sent him invitin him on the show...
    Last edited by JARZJR; 06-25-2007 at 05:02 AM.

    East Point Church, located in South Atlanta

  14. #14

    Default To My Brother Tonex

    To Tonex:

    Hey Bro, hopefully one day you'll breeze past this post, man. Just wanted to let you know that I love you, man, and I'm praying for you. I know you'll make it through this. I'm not saying that I agree with everything, but that doesn't mean I still can't care or love you. Nor does it make me any better than you. Above all, I certainly won't allow it to cause me to bad mouth you!

    Peep this song of mine called "You're Not Alone." I pray that it encourages you.


    In Christ,

    Your brother Zee

    Edit: if you ever want to chop it up, hit me up on my myspace: www.myspace.com/zeemyspace
    Last edited by Zee; 06-25-2007 at 04:26 PM. Reason: myspace

  15. #15
    HCR Veterano DJ Wade-O's Avatar
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    Default PLaylist for the show...

    Click Here

    Sorry I didnt post this earlier

  16. #16
    HCR Ole' Head BlackCalvinist's Avatar
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    Wade, since this one's actually ending on a good note, would you mind terribly if I closed it ? I don't think much more can be added than has already been said.

    I'll wait for your answer.
    (just not on HCR as much)

  17. #17


    Lord, we continue to pray for repentance from one of your hurting sons. I pray that his anger will turn into faith, love, and hope. Allow him to know that we have been called to a uneasy life, a life that continuously should have us looking forward to the consummation of your Kingdom. Father, we are kingdom kids living in a different kingdom, a kingdom that is lofty and haughty but that has no future. I pray that Tonex will recognize that all of the decrees of this world will be rendered unsuccessful and that your eternal decree, your word, will last for eternity. Expunge the anger and bitterness in his heart so that he may be saved from darkness and brought into eternal light. As sons and daughters of your Kingdom, we should expect to be thrown in the fiery furnace at times but allow it to be for righteousness sake knowing that you will be with us through the fire. Please, do not treat Tonex according to his sins, but I pray that your patience and mercy will lead him to repentance. Restore his soul Lord!

    In the name of Christ Jesus!

  18. #18
    HCR Ole' Head jnorman888's Avatar
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    When looking at this issue I only had the Oneness view in mind. I wasn't even looking at the fact that he was going through hard times.

    He went through a divorce and that alone can make a person depressed for months. He may of gone through some other hard times as well. So maybe reaching out to dude for the hurt and pain of life in general is needed.

    As a person he needs help. I don't agree with the theology I thought he believed in and I disagree with his choice of fellowship, but as a person the man is truely in need of some help.

    And he needs to be helped.

    INLOVE Jnorm

    Tonex is still made in God's Image so I need to love him anyway. Even when it is hard to because of what I believe to be true and right.

    God still wants us to love, and I will try to do that even when I don't understand nor want to.
    Last edited by jnorman888; 06-26-2007 at 03:50 PM.

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