Can you just post the Tonex interview.. This is much more important than music.. I can't skip through to get to the interview. I DON'T WANT to peep the whole show with music.. Just the important part with Tonex sharing what's on his heart. Thankx..
J =]
I listened to it, and honestly feel the same way that I felt when this whole topic began. I was never trippin of his choice of words, but the God he serves.
Wade, did you ask him about the Trinity, I didn't hear it, but perhaps you asked off the air?
Or is the nature of the Godhead something that should be the least of our concern?
I think Larosa mentioned that he talked to Applejaxx and AJ said that Tonex does believe in the Trinity.
Still listening..... I'll reserve my response for a YouTube video. I hear all the stuff he's been going through and the hurt behind it, but that still doesn't excuse the language OR the approach. Bad day or not, believers are NEW creations and we're commanded to respond differently.
But I'm still listening.
Last edited by Kerry1914; 06-25-2007 at 12:37 AM.
I'm getting quite frustrated. I can't find the song anywhere. Can anybody help me out? I'd like to better understand the controversy by hearing the song for myself.
Romans 8:28
The error that Tonex is commiting is equating being honest/blunt/ with being true or speaking truth.
More on that later but I am still listening...
Also the cliche, " Thats real talk" or "keep it Real" seems like a license to offend people and sin.
Also, I know, I know, it seems like all I am doing is being critical right?
But check it, it seems like Tonex is saying something when he really is saying nothing deep. It a nutshell, his argument or justification for "nacked Truth" is that since no one is perfect, then lets be imperfect. Since people lust in their hearts, we should therefore lust openly or since the way I feel has me saying some bad stuff in my mind, or picturing something bad, then I need to wear it on my sleeves.
That is bugged thinking? The point is that its sin! Whether I sin in my mind where only God knows it or whether I sin in front of others, the point is that as a Christian, I need to repent from my sin. I need to stop doing that which offends God. So, what makes Tonex public actions any justifiable then his private actions? The difference is that when know one knows, you still have God to deal with and when it goes public, you have a civil duty to correct the situation. If Tonex is correct in what he is saying, then what is the set up of Government for? Is it not to prevent people from acting on their feelings? Yes! Teh Government exist so that Tonex, me, or whoever, will not commit an offense that may have started in our minds. Feel me?
Yeah man, I always get the remark from young people: "I feel like I'm being fake". I alway have to tell them, you're not being fake by keeping it under control. You're being fake if you act like it doesn't exist.
I understand why he did it, but I still don't grasp why he did it the way he did it.
Either way, in a strange way, i've come to the conclusion that God is sovereign. It's almost as if this had to happen, and as a result he will be stronger for it. Sometimes we gotta get broken down before we can be built up strong the way are supposed to be.
Just some thoughts.
Last edited by Deadmanwalking; 06-25-2007 at 02:58 AM.
Nahh, I won't ever ever look at it as something that God is using for his own good since its always in the context of being persecuted by others. When people sin against you it is worked out for good. When you sin, its never good.
The dude is bitter. He has gotten hurt by people. He is upset as certain things. But bitterness is whats in him and that leads to all crazy sins.
He is an angry dude and in our society today, especially in hip hop, that is praised. Being angry is "keeping it real." However, scripture tells us to stay away from angry folks.
"make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways, and set a snare for your soul" (Prov. 22:24-25).
Proverbs 29:20
Do you see a man who is hasty in his words?
There is more hope for a fool than for him.
i know dude might have been hurt.but ummmm...cant he just get over it?![]()
This brother in Christ is not making it easy for cats to feel him. So if someone brings out scripture that means they are cussing him out? What does this cat do with Cain and Abel when God was like, "Cain, I know what you thinking, don't even try it!" (paraphrase). If Tonex is right, God should of been, Like, " Cain, Man, I feel you homey! You was just keeping it real loc, Abel got you mad and you were thinking bad tsuff and rather than holding back, you simply let Abel have it, I feel you dog!" NO! God was not having it and God warned him to not act on his thoughts. It was still bad but he made it worst!
Tonex is equating sin in the heart with realized sin. They are not the same, hence there is government to keep sin from becoming crimes, hence, God did not want Cain to kill able, what Cain was thinking!
BTW, for those who are about to let me have it. Yes I am praying for him.
11 minutes in apokalum presses the little "X" in the top-right of windows media player.![]()
Ouch!!! Lol. It's hard to argue with scripture.
But, let's say that dude really does love God,(which I believe he does) then rom 8:28 would apply to him the way it applies to us. All things, not some things. God can use all things... I know this from experience. You do too. So did Paul.
I believe that he can come back better than before if he humbles himself and listen to what the word says opposed to what he wants it to say. For years it seems as though he's kinds mixed his desires and ideologies with scripture and built a wall with a mixture of weak and strong mortar. That's what I mean when I say, you gotta break down to build up. He's gotta let go of what he wishes it was, what he thinks it should be, and accept what it is and what the scripture say it is. He has to accept that he messed up. No more rationalizing. The scriptures say...you do. He needs to re-adapt his standards to what scripture holds is to. That's all. Nothing unlike any of us have had to do.
Musically, he's never been for me. But even still I got hope for the dude. I got a lot of hope for his restoration.
DJ Wade, Truth's My testimony was very fitting.
Oh, I don't judge his position with God. I am judging his argument.
About God getting glory from "Naked Truth" God will get the Glory regardless but that is not always a good thing for us. God gets glory from condemning people in hell.
In any case, Peep Tonex and compare it with David's confession. Very different right?
Tonex, if you are reading this, please my brother, David, the Model king, committed adultery. He kept it real by acting out what he felt in his heart. He ended up killing his homey. I believe that his confession is a model of how we should respond to our sins. He was broken before God, not just hurt. You spoke about having a contrite heart and a broken spirit. Please, continue to seek God for forgiveness with the intent to repent from not only our sins, but repent from allowing pain to rule in our hearts. We have all been hurt before, but the purpose for pain, is to built Character, not to destroy it. Your song, "Make Me Over," is a song that we all sing in different ways.
I hope you don't see my comments as an attack on you but on your argument. I am not only communicating to you but also to the board. You know Tonex, you and I and others on here are models of Christian lively-hood. It is scary that there are people that we have mad influence on that will do what we do. I met you waaay back when you was coming up. I don't expect you to remember me. Please b, allow the Lord to absorb your pain for you and allow him to speak for you. One!
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