before i got saved i used to get my drink on and smoke weed daily. that was my lifestyle. however whenever i got saved, the Lord delivered me from all of that. nobody had to tell me that drinking was wrong or smokin was wrong. i had a witness in my spirit that it was wrong. when i accepted Jesus, old things passed away and ALL things were made new.
you can consider me a modern day John the baptist b/c from the time i was reborn i knew that alcohol wasn't God's plan for my life. God called me to holiness. wasn't nothing sinful about wearing robes and nice gear but John wore camel's hair and a leather belt. wasn't nothing wrong with eating food but all John ate was locusts and wild honey.
catz is asking if i think i'm more holy than Christ b/c i don't drink i'll answer that by asking if John was holier than Christ b/c he didn't drink wine. (and no my answer doesn't mean that Christ drank alcohol). in mk 14:25 and lk 22:18, all Jesus says is that he won't drink from the "fruit of the vine" until he drinks it new in His kingdom. that phrase comes from a combination of different greek words that simply mean "fruit" or "generation" and "vine". there's absolutely no inference that those words refer to alcohol. Jesus is simply saying he won't drink any fruit juice until he comes back.
i personally don't believe Jesus drunk alcohol. the pharisees accused him of being a winebibber but that doesn't mean he drank alcohol. that just means they accused Him of being a drunk. they also accused him of casting out devils by the power of beelzebub. but that doesn't mean Jesus had anything to do with witchcraft. besides, even some of the onlookers on the day of pentecost mocked and accused the apostles of being drunk. if anybody disagrees, no problem. i'm simply reasoning from the scriptures.
i been mainly speaking about myself and my own personal convictions (even though i would have thought i was in the majority vs. the minority). i been saying since the beginning that i don't judge people for drinking wine. but appearantly that's not good enough. catz want me to pat em on the back and tell em it's ok for them to drink. sorry, but that's not gonna happen. why?
well, first of all, i don't know who's reading this thread? younger, impressionable belivers maybe? who knows? so i'm careful how i coin my responses. some of ya'll may get offended by some of the things i imply (can't help that). when everything is done and said, i could be held accountable for what i said or didn't say in a thread like this. so while i won't say that a christian isn't really saved b/c they drink, i won't endorse such or put God's stamp of approval on it either.
i been saying all throughout this thread that what you choose to do with your temple is b/w you and the Lord. i care whether or not you drink but i don't CARE whether or not you drink (some of ya'll gonna catch that tomorrow)
this isn't a debate to me. God didn't call me to convince people of anything. that's the Holy Spirit's job.
my purpose was simply to challenge some of you biblically and spiritually. biblically, i'm not so much concerned what you believe as why you believe it. perhaps some of you weren't informed about how in the NT the greek word for "wine" can refer to either alcohol or grape juice. maybe some of you didn't realize that not every hebrew word translated "wine" in the OT actually referred to alcohol. perhaps you weren't aware there's 1 word for grape juice and a totally different word for alcohol even though our english bibles say "wine" in both instances.
now after you know the difference and apply those study skills to formulate interpretations, i have no problem what you come up with. i might challenge your beliefs and/or interpretations but at the end of the day, i respect your mind. i just refuse to sit by and let people offer and accept interpretations based on ignorance (there he goes with that word it doesn't matter to me what you personally believe Jesus turned water into as long as you understand that the word for "wine" could refer to grape juice or alcohol.
the only reason i gave my opinion was b/c Gloria asked. we can argue the point all day but when everything is done and said, all we really have is speculation. *makes note to ask Jesus whenever i see Him in Glory* speaking of which, on many of these passages all i can offer is speculation. i admit that. if you have a more solid biblical interpretation, enlighten me please. i really wanna know why God ordained fermented wine to be used as drink offerings? i wanna know why God told israel they could use their tithe money to purchase wine and strong drink? i'm here to teach but i'm also here to learn. oftentime's i speculate b/c i really don't know. there's nothing wrong with speculation as long as everyone understands that's all it is. but hey, we have to start somewhere dont we?
some of ya'll catz keep asking for proof concerning why wine today is stronger than biblical times. but then ya'll argue that it doesn't matter one way or another b/c that doesn't prove anything. for the record, why belittle the point for "proof" if after i dig up every reference i can find, you just come back and say that my "proof" doesn't really prove if there's something specific you want me to provide, just let me know and i'll see what I got.
but my whole point was that if wine and strong drink is stronger today than it was in biblical times, then just b/c it may have been alright then, doesn't mean it's automatically alright now. but that's just an argument, food for thought, whatever. the fact of the matter is whether or not it's a sin (in and of itself) isn't the issue. the question that needs to be answered is whether or not it's edifying. paul taught that all things were lawful, but not all things were profitable (1 corin 6:12, 10:23).
paul taught there's a number of things the bible doesn't specifically say are sinful in and of themselves. nevertheless, they can be sinful if not practiced under the law of love. he used drinking as an illustration (romans14:16-21). i love unbelievers enough not to drink alcohol. i love my brothers and sisters in Christ enough not to drink alcohol. catz asked whether or not playing the xbox edifies? ofcourse not, video games are of the devil. j/k the point paul was making wasn't that you shouldn't do anything that doesn't produce a godly result. he was teaching that you should avoid anything that COULD produce an ungodly one.
it doesn't matter whether or not you could drink alcohol and not go to hell. could your drinking alcohol cause your brother to stumble? could your drinking alcohol set a bad example for someone else? could your drinking alcohol hinder your witness? let's not get bogged down in minor details and arguments over the law. let's look at the bigger picture here.
we can even take it a step further spiritually...
what if the feeling of joy and gladness induced by alcohol was actually counterfeit? what if the devil created drunkeness and drugs as an alternative to the Holy Spirit? what if God had something for believers a million times better than what alcohol could ever offer? what if God encouraged people to drink wine b/c it symbolized the coming joy believers would have in the Holy Ghost? what if everytime you partook of the symbol, you were missing or neglecting what the symbol actually represented? could that have been what paul was trying to get across in eph. 5:15-18 when he exhorted believers to be filled with the SPirit instead of being drunk with wine?
in that same chapter he encouraged believers not to even have a hint of impurity. he said they were once darkness but now light so find out what was pleasing to the Lord. he said they shouldn't participate in darkness but expose it. he wanted them to live wise and not unwise b/c the days are evil. he wanted them to make the most out of every opportunity.
that's all i want for you guys and gals. i'm not trying to argue or debate. personally i thought i was threw with this thread 2 or 3 essays but folks kept asking questions like they didn't understand what i was saying or where i was coming from. hopefully it's all clear now. now how bout a round of virgin daquiris on me?