Take and read.
Read the WHOLE thing before commenting on one part of a paragraph.The fact is, brothers and sisters, there is no rigid instruction in this matter, because each situation for each Christian is unique and distinct from another’s. However, there are Biblical principles to guide us in the way we should go, as can be shown by the aforementioned passages. What we must avoid is trying to make commandments out of our personal convictions of things which are scripturally indifferent, lest we be hypocrites like the Pharisees.
With your bible open.![]()
LOL @ Kerry...what's up with resurrecting dead threads? And what is that " oooawwyouken!" from...I read it and heard it in my head...some video game? Tekken? MK?
Street Fighter?
"He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself; When he speaks kindly, do not believ him, for there are seven abominations in his heart." Proverbs 26
lol, i remember this thread....this thread really challenged me to re evaluate my convictions.....a lot of the info dropped on here blew my mindin a good way.....
Pick up that new Cram Session (7) featuring Sev Statik, Theory Hazit, Wonder Brown, Nomis, Antioch Alumni, myself and some new blood that you haven't heard yet. http://antiochalumni.bandcamp.com/releases
I'm a secular rapper who raps Christian.
To me the witness is more important than social drinking. There are countless times you hear People discrediting Christians for smoking weed, drinking and acting just like everyone else.
Some athletes are not even allowed to go to clubs, drink, ski, party etc because of their skills. We strive for a higher Calling in Christ, no alcohol is not really a bad thing.
The same could be said about listening to rap music...... there's plenty of people (see the G. Craig crowd) that consider ALL rap music to be of the devil, only associated with rebellion and have nothing redeemable about it at all.
The same could be said about Christians wanting larger TVs in their home because they've been blessed with the money to do so....they're just following after everyone else.
Ultimately, you don't have linguistic grounds for your beliefs. While you may hold them for you, they are not universal nor can you impose them as such.....
Actually, you said total abstinence from alcohol and made some pretty weird and broad statements (i.e.- people don't like beer for the taste on an earlier page). That's extremism, not balance in any way.
Thankfully, the Bible provides balance on the issue.
Simply - Psalm 104:14-15 aren't oblivious to the effects of alcohol on the human body. God made wine that way for a reason....to make the heart of men rejoice.
Col. 3:17 tells me that there is a way in which we can do even the mundane (every day) things that gives God glory. Romans 14:23 tells me that with some issues, there may be weaker brethren whom I should do my best to not make stumble because some of the things we are *free* to do may still hold pagan connotations for them and their consciences may be injured in doing so. That also applies to myself.
So if I can't do something in faith without it causing my brother to stumble, while around him, I won't do it.
So if you've got an ex-alcoholic past, I won't be pouring the Reisling around you. I don't want you to lose self-control and end up drunk again, thus heading directly into sin.
But if it's your personal conviction not to drink, you don't have a right to attempt to impose that conviction on me as a universal biblical truth. That's the extremism you need to avoid.
Note the difference between having an issue with stumbling around alcohol and simply having it as a personal conviction that alcohol should not be partaken of.
Thanks. Take care.
Last edited by Japan; 05-05-2008 at 01:48 PM.
No. I don't think I'll ever drink, not because I think it's wrong, but I just don't want to. *Shrug*
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I love me some beer...Barq's is my fave, but I can roll with A&W too.![]()
Actually, it was 'Hadouken' but yea I use to say 'allyouken' (eat) forever until I saw the animated series. 'Hadou' was the name of the Hindu technique that Ryu and Ken practiced that gathered the spiritual energy around them to... wait a sec. What does this have to do with the thread?
I don't drink beer. It is an abomination to me. If I can't have a long island ice tea on the rocks than I refuse to consume any watered down alcoholic beverage. I prefer strawberry lemonade these days as well as good old fashioned horchata for kicks. 'These' drinks alone are worthy of my hard earned cash.
Last edited by David L; 05-06-2008 at 01:05 AM.
Lo torcido no puede enderezarse, Y lo que falta no se puede contar. Eclesiastes 1:15
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