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  1. #201
    HCR Veterano ZestD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BondServant View Post
    I know you don't. I was just saying that because you and others argue for appearance of evil, that it's impossible, because all non-alcoholic drinks can look like alcoholic drinks.

    I get buzzes. There is no definition to tipsy in scripture.

    As far as being drunk, most the examples are of cats been wasted or hammered. Noah and Lot for example. Them dudes were far past that of being drunk. Noah was laid out naked(I guess his stuff wasn't so diluted with water as some here have suggested). Lot was so wasted that his own daughters had sex with him(2 nights in a row), and he had no clue. That's some pretty heavy drinking. And the other times would be drunkards, alcoholics. Those who get drunk and then in the morning go looking for some more yak. They make a habit out of it.

    But we do find that God has encouraged it's use, and in some circumstances in large amounts(but that's debatable), and it was used to make life merry.
    Bomb post bondservant.
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  2. #202
    HCR Veterano NiteLyte's Avatar
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    I don't believe that drinking alcohol is wrong. I believe that getting drunk is wrong.

    Needless to say, if you're underage you can just forget about it until you're 21 and definitely avoid it altogether if alcoholism runs in your family or if you're a recovering alcoholic. Obey the law and know and protect your body/the lives of others.

    Anyway, alcoholism does not run in my family, but I personally choose not to drink.

    Besides, root beer is the best stuff there is other than water... Lol.
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  3. #203
    HCR Veterano ZestD's Avatar
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    I prefer cream soda to root beer, but that's just me!
    "...that's why y'all cut me off, because I don't fake it..." -Enock

    "I heard one of your heroes took a fall- give him support, where's the love at now- y'all cut us short" - Sev Statik

  4. #204
    HCR Veterano NiteLyte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZestD View Post
    I prefer cream soda to root beer, but that's just me!
    Hahaha, right on then! I like cream soda too. It's all a matter of personal taste.

    They're like an old married couple, though. Gotta' love them both!
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  5. #205
    HCR Familia tlr's Avatar
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    Default non femented grape juice

    Quote Originally Posted by son of man View Post
    not even close, besides often times whenever the bible speaks of "wine" it's actually referring to non-fermented grape juice.

    the bible doesn't explicitly say not to drink alchohol but it does warn against it. but at the end of the day, folks are gonna do what they want. i won't say that doesn't make them a christian but it could cause their brother to stumble. i'd never tell anyone it's ok to drink.
    i have heard this before and i can no longer keep silent on the matter. Ask anybody fron the Mediterranean and they will tell you that that is nonsense. why because they would never drink that stuff as it has been the same for centuries

  6. #206
    HCR Ole' Head Cowboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tlr View Post
    i have heard this before and i can no longer keep silent on the matter. Ask anybody fron the Mediterranean and they will tell you that that is nonsense. why because they would never drink that stuff as it has been the same for centuries
    Don't worry, he won't listen. I'm cool with Son of Man and we've talked through PM a little bit, but he never did concede that there was no biblical or scientific proof that the wine was different. So don't worry, not many people here actually believe that.

  7. #207
    HCR Ole' Head Deadmanwalking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cowboy View Post
    Don't worry, he won't listen. I'm cool with Son of Man and we've talked through PM a little bit, but he never did concede that there was no biblical or scientific proof that the wine was different. So don't worry, not many people here actually believe that.
    Ha, yeah, i rememeber i was told that the wine of their time was either non alcoholic or very weak. Then I checked into it because I kept reading scriptures that would say "they drank and were merry" or "drink and be merry" and variations of the phrase. So when i checked, all historical accounts regarding wine indicate that it WAS alcoholic. It is what it is. And like it's already been said, the drinking that was considered disgraceful according to scripture was the kind of drinking that alcoholics do. They're the ones referred to as winebibbers...and yet the rest of our fave men of GOD in the bible drank wine and were never called winebibbers. Hmmmm?

    Anyway, i actually make the decision to sacrifice this freedom for the sake of "weaker" Christians. I don't want to cause confusion, division, or excuses to drink heavily. So I just avoid it. Maybe in the presence of my family from time to time. Maybe if I lived in a south american or european country where it's traditional. But since I'm an american, I'll play it smart for the sake of my brethren.
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    i never drank before and see no need to start now. It wouldn't improve my quality of life. It wouldn't improve my spiritual quality of life. But it does pose a danger to deteriate the quality of life that i have now. It also poses a danger to deteriate the spiritual quality of life.

    Not drinking will lower my chances of not getting drunk by 100%

    Not drinking will lower my chances of being the driver in a drunken car wreck by 100%

    Not drinking will also increase the amount of money in my pocket because it's significantly cheaper than apple juice!

    For those who don't drink, I wouldn't encourage them to take it up. To those who drink moderate amounts already (perhaps already were drinkers before they got saved and have significantly toned down their drinking from drunk then to occassional sipper now), while I can't sit and sip one with you, I wouldn't tell you that it's entirely unlawful (considering we're talking about a soft bev, not hard liquor). As w/ many things, it's a case of motives, intentions, and you should only go as far as you have control (and anyone who ever says they've never had a little bit too much to drink while exercising their Christian liberties to drink might not be completely honest w/ themselves).

  9. #209
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    I think its kinda funny that Christians debate over this-

    Our Teacher (the Messiah) served alcohol! No getting around it.

    I read an interesting account from Adin Steinsaltz (an Orthodox Jew who was elected to be Beit Dein (Head) of the reestablished Sanhedrin). This story is all the better if youre framiliar with him ... He was giving a lecture to some of the top intellectuals / theologians in Judaism today. He did not enter on stage- he entered from the back with a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of cups. He handed them to the first person and told him to pass it down. He then proceeded to tell these cats that they were too tight and needed to loosen up a bit. He delivered his speech on studying the Scriptures.

    In Jewish culture there is no taboo of Alcohol. Observant Jews welcome the Sabbath every week with a cup that literally runneth over. Steinsaltz has traveled the world over and he stated NEVER has he encountered a Jewish event where drinking turned into something rowdy. He stated there was always been joy with alcohol consumption.

    The reason I think this conversation is kinda funny is that Christians usually accuse Jews of being legalistic. In this case- I think the tables have turned. Of course, no Christian will admit this.

    To me- Alcohol is like any other pleasure. It has the potential to be enjoyed in great measure, but can be easily abused and should be indulged in with wisdom and moderation. Personally, in the last year I have developed a taste for wine. Eating a meal and enjoying a cup of wine with my family is like heaven on earth. There is a lot to celebrate in life and nothing does it like wine.

    So yo- Messiah said the bread is my body and the non-fermented grape ju- I mean, the wine is blood.

    "The highest form of wisdom is kindness." The Talmud

  10. #210
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    not eating will lower your chances of getting fat.

    I never touched alcohol until after being a christian for 10 years. Why? Because God's revelation truly set me free. Free from years of battling with so and so's opinion versus another's and free from one so-called scientist's findings versus another's. It was God Himself, through his word, who actually eased my mind/conscience and allows me this freedom with no condemnation. ( :

  11. #211
    HCR Veterano btate0121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tony Stone View Post
    It also poses a danger to deteriate the spiritual quality of life.
    ummmm... so do TV and video games according to recent studies fam. i guess i'll put the PSP down and switch to creflo from sponge bob eh? darn... i LOVE that show!

    EXCELLENT point Dibri. There's a scipture where Jesus said and i paraphrase this quote "They will call the son of man a drunkard...". Why in the world would anyone call Jesus a drunkard ... if he didn't.... drink?!? er.. um...

    exact quote as follows from

    Matthew 11:18-19
    18 or John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
    19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

    what kind of "drinking" would cause people to say he was a .... "winebibber"?

    *scratchety scratch*
    Last edited by btate0121; 01-03-2008 at 09:03 AM.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by btate0121 View Post
    ummmm... so do TV and video games according to recent studies fam. i guess i'll put the PSP down and switch to creflo from sponge bob eh? darn... i LOVE that show!

    EXCELLENT point Dibri. There's a scipture where Jesus said and i paraphrase this quote "They will call the son of man a drunkard...". Why in the world would anyone call Jesus a drunkard ... if he didn't.... drink?!? er.. um...

    exact quote as follows from

    Matthew 11:18-19
    18 or John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.
    19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

    what kind of "drinking" would cause people to say he was a .... "winebibber"?

    *scratchety scratch*

    ...i don't have cable either...

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by king neb View Post
    not eating will lower your chances of getting fat.

    I never touched alcohol until after being a christian for 10 years. Why? Because God's revelation truly set me free. Free from years of battling with so and so's opinion versus another's and free from one so-called scientist's findings versus another's. It was God Himself, through his word, who actually eased my mind/conscience and allows me this freedom with no condemnation. ( :
    Maybe for you drinking seemed attractive after being freed.

    I've been freed from the legalistic mindset that watching any rated R movie would automatically be sin.. didn't make me want to go and watch rated R movies tho.

    I guess the difference in me and others is that just because it's not wrong and i've been "freed by the revelation of truth" didn't make me go head first into it as if saying "aha! i will engage in all of these liberties that the legalstic church man forced on me!".

    Drinking doesn't interest me. No matter how much "revelation" and "freedom" i get from studying, it doesn't make me want to do cartwheels into the nearest bar to exercise it. I think i'm more bothered by people who after having been "freed" try to drink to make a "point" that they can.

    That's like going into a traditional church that doesn't go for hats and jeans, and wearing hats and jeans with the attitude of "aha, look at my liberty! what??!!! you want to try and test my liberties? look at all these scriptures that say i can do this! i recieved the revelation! deal with my hat!"

    Thats pretty much how people act w/ liquor who have advanced so far along in their understanding of their liberties. Fewer and further inbetween I run into guys who say they occassionally drink, but don't gloat in their revelation or their understanding of their freedoms.

    It's all good tho. I myself am still learning how not to rub my liberties and freedoms into people's face. The fundamental issue is the the same as that in marriage- is it about being "right" i.e. "i discovered these liberties so there!", or is it about walking in love i.e. "what edifies my brethren pleases God. Even if I know better, I'll be humble about it"

    Flame on

  14. #214
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    SHADDAP.... i'm kidding.. hilarious post man.

    I actually don't drink outside my home unless i'm with other believers who do drink. like new years day.. had a good time with some friends! other than that.. it's me and wifey + a night cap = a good night of "sleep"


  15. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by btate0121 View Post
    Okay. You stupid. LOL.

  16. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by btate0121 View Post

    SHADDAP.... i'm kidding.. hilarious post man.

    I actually don't drink outside my home unless i'm with other believers who do drink. like new years day.. had a good time with some friends! other than that.. it's me and wifey + a night cap = a good night of "sleep"

    ha! Yea, which goes back to what I said earlier- I wouldn't encourage any christian who doesn't already drink to drink.

    Likewise, I wouldn't go to someone's church where they wear casual clothing and say "yo man, you should wear u some fitteds and some baggy sweats and a tall t son!".

    Even in reality, there is far less health and spiritual threat to encouraging someone to wear a different style of clothes than there is to tell them to drink.

    I don't think that it's a sin to taste wine (i used to tho!). But I do know this: there are only a few Biblical liberties in the Bible that are coupled with as many warnings as the excess of liquor.

  17. #217
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    By the way Mr. T. Stone.. i'd like to extend a personal congrats on the wedding, tho a bit late.

    I hope the reception and dinner were exquisite....even without wine... ugh. LOL.. i kid i kid i jest.

  18. #218
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    I don't flame it all. People ask, i answer them. I think you've mistaken a firm conviction on something as "flaming". You seem to be of the opinion that a person can't exist in a truly "moderate" mode.

    For example, you said:
    anyone who ever says they've never had a little bit too much to drink while exercising their Christian liberties to drink might not be completely honest w/ themselves
    How do you know that?

    When i drink, it is usually when im dining out with friends and i rarely have more than one beer. I've never reached a point of having a "bit too much".


    Why do you find that hard to accept?

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    Quote Originally Posted by king neb View Post

    I don't flame it all. People ask, i answer them. I think you've mistaken a firm conviction on something as "flaming". You seem to be of the opinion that a person can't exist in a truly "moderate" mode.

    For example, you said:
    anyone who ever says they've never had a little bit too much to drink while exercising their Christian liberties to drink might not be completely honest w/ themselves
    How do you know that?

    When i drink, it is usually when im dining out with friends and i rarely have more than one beer. I've never reached a point of having a "bit too much".


    Why do you find that hard to accept?

    First, I'd like to say that my "flame on" comment was just a joke, my bad for not letting that be more known.

    But, no, I don't find it hard to accept! But I do think it's unlikely and a person is probably not being honest with themselves if they say they have always managed their liberties with perfection.

    It's our Christian liberty to watch movies, tv, and play video games. but i'd never act as though I never watched TOO much tv or TOO many movies or played TOO many video games. I think you might just be in defense mode (not hatin) if you say that you have never engaged in liberties more than was really expedient ever at one point of your life. But maybe that's the one area that you have never excessively engaged in a liberty, if so, that's wassup!

  20. #220
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    I drink wine with some of my dinners. Heck, Paul told Timothy to do so b/c of his stomach sickness and I've read that wine helps in Digestion. So I sip it up. I've never been any where near a drunk state since I've been a Christian. It's not that hard for me b/c back in my depraved dayz I'd get so Drunk and throw up my guts that once I became a believer I was firm on never getting to that point.

    Beer is nasty and Neb you are a Nasty for drinking it... Yuck!!! LOL... J/K...

    The only type of wine I drink is those that actually taste good, not that bitter and bland nasty mess.... I drink for taste not for drinking sake.

    Grace and Peace,
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