Okay here's a good summary of this thread.
It's not against the scripture to partake of fermented drinks. The bible is against being in a state of drunkeness, characterized as a drunkard or using alcohol as a crutch or an escape from life's problems i.e. making it an idol b/c you are putting it above seeking God for peace and release.
If you choose to partake of fermented drinks, accorsing to Romans be careful that you don't cause someone to stumble by what you enjoy. Meaning if you see nothing wrong with drinking, but if you are in the company of people who are not mature enough to understand your biblical point of view...DONT DRINK..
If you are in the presence of unsaved and they are getting tanked and you are hoping to witness to them and they are getting drunk..Probably not the best idea to be drinking while your witnessing...
Rely on the spirit and the scriptures and lean not on your own understanding..
So endeth the lesson.
