Kendrick Lamar recently released an untitled song on Instagram and its making waves. While that in itself is not newsworthy, his shout-out to Lecrae...
Don Ready is celebrating today with a surprise drop “God’s Hands” with Yung Kriss and Brenno.
Don who shared his cancer journey with us this summer,...
In a recent podcast episode, Holy Culture’s Digital Content Manager, J. Harrington engages in a heartfelt conversation with Pastor T and TiffLife of...
After the Lamar Riddick’s song shouting out Lecrae and Dee-1, the remixes continue. Not only did the two CHH heavyweights respond but others have as...
In a recent episode of “Kingdom Building Conversations,” host James Rosseau, also known as Trig, sat down with local artist B.E.R.I.D.O.X. to discuss...
B.E.R.I.D.O.X.’s “Finally Arrived” from his latest album It Was All A Dream is out today.
“Finally Arrived” is a high energy song that is not only a...
In a recent episode of our podcast, J. Harrington had the pleasure of hosting the remarkable Martay, a musician and devout Christian, who shared her...